Theft by Disciple?

Did the disciples steal Jesus’ body? Is that why the tomb was empty? Matthew relates in his gospel that the Jewish leaders bribed the guards who had been at Jesus’ tomb to say just that (Matthew 28:11-15). I have heard critics say that Matthew lied and included this in his gospel to explain away arguments against the resurrection and to deflect blame from his friends.

I know that no part of scripture is untrue.

This is a great article on what happened to Jesus body after death. Written by Tim Filkins at Compelling Word. This post has applications for our daily life and refreshes us as to why the disciples were who they were as believers…which translates into why we ought to be strong in our faith and not doubt Christ.

To finish reading this post please head over to Registered & Protected


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Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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