To my valued readers,
Would you please take a moment and read this letter I wrote inviting people to join us in prayer for our country? Do you maybe not live in the U.S? Maybe you have friends who do and would like to join us anyway.
Would you please consider joining us?
We are a group of people who are part of a larger group of groups on OneCry.com.What is OneCry? We are actively calling out to God in prayer for a revival to happen in our country. This nation has slid so far downhill, God has been taken out of schools, courts and practically everything else! We want God back into our lives, our schools…our everything!
We are as a nation poised on the brink of a fall, a very bad fall. Either we are going to turn to God because of disasters, or the economy collapsing, political reasons, war, or maybe a combination of many things; or we are going to turn back to God as a nation through prayer and fasting for a revival to happen. Look at the world around you, more specifically our country…it doesn’t look good does it? You need not look any further then the news to see what we have turned into in this country; an immoral, God hating or at least uncaring of what God says, anything goes, I can do whatever I want nation. It’s positively sickening! This is an opportunity to help change that. God does listen to prayer, the more of us praying, the better.
I need to say here however, that if you can’t seriously commit to praying daily for revival, then maybe this isn’t for you. I’m not doing this to make a big group on facebook or on OneCry or to promote me…forget about me. This is serious and I would like people to treat it as such. Please don’t join just to join. Join us to be a part of this growing movement to bring this country back into the fear of God. He is what matters, not me and not anyone else either.
Pray about this and give it some thought before you say no. I know all of you are busy, but I deem this to be of utmost importance. This could make a huge change in this country!
You can find us on OneCry here, http://www.onecry.com/group/eversUnitedforRevival/
You will see a welcoming message from me; sign the declaration, join the group, and download the PDF’s and go over them as you can. The PDF’s I’m referring to are, Draw a Circle
Praying for Spiritual Awakening.
You can also find us on Facebook here, https://www.facebook.com/groups/230652333699363/Thank you
Greg -
With heavy hearts, we recognize that the church in America is in a state of spiritual emergency. Like the churches warned in Revelation, we have become lukewarm and compromised, and the light of our witness has grown dim. We confess that despite access to more resources and biblical teaching than an…
About the author: Greg is a strong believer in Jesus Christ and is also a political analyst, author, and is the Editor-in-Chief for the National War Council. By day he is a self-employed non-emergency medical transport driver, as well as being an author and blogger. His articles are first published on Inspirational Christian Blogs, and I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel of Christ! His articles have been widely published on many well-known conservative websites. If you would like to republish his articles, please feel free to do so leaving all links intact and crediting the author and the website that the article appeared on.
Greg is the author of the newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church
Greg, Thanks for taking the ball and running with it. 🙂 I tried to go by your link, but it wouldn’t work, so I went through each state til I found Believers United For Revival. Are you in WI? I was going to reblog this, but thought I would put a direction to go to your state to find the group. Just wanted to make sure which state before I put this on my blog.
Shall we leave it at this, or should we still pick a day for fasting and prayer and then advertise through all of our blogs?
Drusilla, see my post on your facebook page and let me know what you think.
Saw it and yes I will. Just have to figure out when and for how long.
Yes i am in Wisconsin!
This is such a great thing Yall are doing to help promote this. I will definitely add this to my prayer list in the mornings and evenings!
Thank you Vina, I appreciate it! You are welcome to join us, thanks for stopping by.
As you know, dear Brother Greg, I have already answered your letter and joined CryOne! So honored I still am at your invitation. I am praying almost constantly for the state of our churches in the United States, especially when I learn of all the hate-radio so many church people tune into. The commend to “Feed my Sheep” did not included slinging abusive and belittling language around about ANYONE!
For sure! Thanks for joining us, I know you to be a caring woman, and a valiant prayer warrior.
You are truly a sister in Christ. 🙂