Why should we fear atheists?

Interesting, and good article dealing with Atheism and the fact that we can be a witness to them.


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4 replies

  1. Thank you! Blessings –Anne

  2. Indeed, we need have no fear and need have much discernment and sound scriptural preparation. Also, the “folk wisdom” of us older Christians, which He has so lovingly bestowed upon us by walking with us through many decades, is wonderfully handy when encountering contentious atheists. I am communicating with one in particular right now by email who is a blogging friend. For me, atheists are just simply unbelievers who need to hear the Good News. We must always remember that Jesus died for them, too–therefore being respectful of them and compassionate and patient with them. No fear of them, however!

Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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