Granting Forgiveness to Others

Rembrandt – “The Return of the Prodigal Son

Forgiveness…this is such an important area in our lives, and in our walk with Christ. As we are forgiven in Christ…so must we forgive those who trespass against us. Matthew 6:14-15 For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. As you can see…forgiveness is rather important to God.

Why else should you forgive someone? After all…they hurt you…it’s their fault not yours, right? Do you have people you have not forgiven? How does this make you feel? The burden of carrying around that unforgivingness has to be pretty heavy. You really don’t have to carry this burden with you anymore. Pray that God would help you to forgive… then lay the burden at Jesus feet…and don’t pick it up again.

Forgiveness is quite often easier said then done. It is well worth the effort however. Think about forgiveness for a minute…who is it really for? Forgiveness is more for you…then for the person you are extending it to. When you forgive someone a wrong…it does not absolve them of what they did wrong…this is a key concept. You are forgiving…not absolving them. This allows you to move on. You don’t have to carry with you the bitterness, anger, and resentment that you feel.

Unresolved issues that are carried with you long term can eat away at you.

This can cause you to be bitter, more prone to anger, untrusting, depressed, and can cause so many problems in relationships. If there are people in need of forgiveness from you…really think about granting it to them. You will feel so much better when you do. Think also about this…Jesus suffered agony beyond imagining…and then willingly died. All so that you may be forgiven your sins. Should you also then forgive others who sin against you? The answer is clear…don’t you think?

For another great perspective on forgiveness, and incidentally the reason I thought of publishing this article I wrote a few years ago…please see my friend Debbie’s post over at Two Minutes of Grace. You can see her post here.

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11 replies

  1. As He taught us when we pray,”….and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” I can hear my favorite local soloist singing these words right now as I enjoy this post, Greg! (Bytheby, I hope to get your feedback on my latest post where a new character from Lauren was introduced into the critterly troupe of granbee’s yesterday!)

  2. Thank you for the reminder, Greg. Fantastic post! Matthew 6:14-15 are strong words that remind us that forgiveness is very important in our relationship with God and our relationships with people. I’ve learned it’s an essential process we must practice in order to grow!

  3. Great post, my brother!

  4. I also loved Deb’s article! It got me thinking about people I was still working through forgiveness with. I have found that when you are deeply offended the work of forgiveness starts in stating you forgive them and then progresses as you learn to pray blessing over them.

  5. Awesome reminder of God’s word. If we don’t forgive how can God forgive us? I am sure we have done things unpleasing to God, so if He is willing to forgive, so should we.

    A Woman After God’s Own Heart ♥

Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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