Don’t Despise Small Things, Part 4

1 Corinthians 1:1 “Paul, called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God…”

Paul was called to be an apostle, and this calling was from the will of God Himself. God gives people different callings in life, Paul was to be an ambassador for Christ, to go out among the Gentiles and the Jews to represent Jesus and to preach to them the way of salvation through faith in the name of Jesus.

In this part of “Don’t Despise Small Things” I am going to be recounting how God called me into His service, although I had a feeling that this was the purpose of my life for most of my life and even had been given verses along the way, it hasn’t been until the last year or so that it has become absolutely solid in my mind that I am called to serve God in this way. There were a ton of small things though, and all these small things put together is what cemented in my mind my calling. I did not want to take this honor upon myself, of being a teacher and preacher of God’s Word, and so I waited until I knew for certain that it was His idea in the first place.

Before reading on I suggest you check out the other parts first if you haven’t.

When I came back to God it was a shock to everyone because of how sudden it was, but looking back and seeing all the small details that led up to it I see that it wasn’t so sudden after all. Four months after this choice to follow God I found myself in Bible College.

Getting to Bible College was as big of a miracle as Him bringing me back to Himself. My sister was a current Bible College student when I wasn’t walking with God, and her and her friends used to pray for me that I would come back to the Lord and that I would go to Bible College some day. All the time my sister would bug me to come visit her in Murrieta at the Bible College. But I always found ways to say no, and was annoyed that she would even ask. I thought it was weird that people lived in a College where all they did was study the Bible. I thought Bible College was a place like a monastery, boring and dry. One week I finally gave in and decided to go. At the time I had a cool 1968 Mustang, and thought I could show off how incredibly cool I was in comparison to all the Bible College students and maybe even meet some cute Bible College girls. When I got there I was shocked to find everyone looked way more cool then me. And the girls were different. There were two twins that I met, that literally shined the light of Jesus. I had never met anyone like that. Being near her and looking into her eyes was like looking into the eyes of Jesus, and I’m not exaggerating. I was so impacted by meeting this one girl, and feeling the presence of God in her, that It changed my entire perception of Bible College. I think my perception of women was changed as well. I came back just shocked at how real people’s relationships with God could be, and it showed me what I was missing.

This is part four of Matt’s series Don’t Despise Small Things. These articles are very well written and are a good look at what God can, and does do in our lives if we will let Him. I encourage you to read all the articles in this series. Matt’s story is inspiring in many ways, it gives hope to anyone who thinks that they have gone to far for the Lord to bring back. This story, actually a testimony…is a great read for and believer. Read this and be encouraged!

If you missed any of the previous articles in this series, you can find them here,

To finish reading this article, please head over to While you are there, why not check out the rest of Matt’s site, let him know you were there and liked something he wrote. Registered & Protected


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  1. Don’t Despise Small Things, Part 5 « Inspirational Christian Blogs

Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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