How Can I Know Jesus?

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

How can I know Jesus? Too many people complicate this subject in the same way that the Pharisees (Matthew 23) of Jesus day complicated the Jewish religion. Contrary to what some would tell you, knowing Jesus is not all that difficult. Keep in mind here that I am referring to knowing Him as in becoming saved, receiving eternal life…not as in being a pastor or theologian.

So how does one get to know Jesus? How do I receive Jesus into my life as Lord and Savior? Lets look into these questions and get some answers.

The best way to get to know Jesus is through someone who already knows Him. A disciple of Jesus is the one best equipped to help you learn about Christ. A disciple of Christ may be a Pastor, or lay leader, or anyone who knows the Lord. As Believers in Jesus, we can explain to those seeking Him what they need to know, and we can answer questions a person may have.

If the option of talking to a follower of Christ does not exist for you, or you would prefer to learn a little on your own first, then there are two other ways to learn about Jesus.

  1. You can purchase a bible and read the Gospel(s)
  2. You can easily access the bible online and read the Gospel(s)

In option one, I would recommend starting out by reading the Gospel of John. The Gospel of John is relatively easy to read, and contains a wonderful collection of information about Jesus. This Gospel also contains reassurance to you the reader that you can know if you have eternal life.

In option two, I would recommend reading the Gospel of John as well. Find a reputable online source to read bible such as, or The whole bible is online, and these sites offer the bible in many different versions as well.

The easiest to understand version may be the (NLT) New Living Translation. I would also recommend other versions as well. The (NIV) New International Version, and the (NKJV) New King James Version, as well as the (ESV) English Standard Version are more literal translations than the (NLT) is.

***Please note that I recommend the KJV above any version of the Bible, I no longer recommend the preceding versions***

Basically in a few words, Jesus came to earth to save sinners, and all of us are sinners. Have you ever done something wrong? That was a sin. The penalty for sinning is death, Jesus came here and willingly died on the cross to pay our penalty (death) for us.

To receive forgiveness of sin and receive the free gift of eternal life, you need to pray to the Father in heaven through Jesus Christ. This prayer can be in your own words, God looks at your heart…He knows if you mean it or not.

Pray this prayer, or something like it to receive Jesus into your life as Savior and Lord.

Father I admit that I am a sinner, and confess my sins to You now and ask for your forgiveness of my sins. I believe that Jesus Christ through His shed blood and death upon the cross, paid for my sins. Father I believe that Jesus rose from the dead, and even now is with You in heaven. Jesus I invite you to live in my heart and be my Lord and Savior, I now commit my life to You.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

If you prayed this prayer and truly meant it, welcome to the family of God!

If you are a new Believer, I highly recommend that you find a church so that you may fellowship with other Believers and grow as a follower of Christ.

Please keep in mind here how I worded this prayer…I commit my life to You Lord; this means commitment to God. Truly being saved means a change in your heart and mind. You cannot pray a prayer and then go back to living like the world, that is meaningless. If Jesus is really your Lord…then you serve Him and obey Him.

Yes you will have to stop doing some things most likely…but serving God is not a jail sentence. It is the beginning of your new life. I was an alcoholic…God took that away from me. I was never able to quit smoking…He took that as well. The benefits of being a follower of Christ far out weigh the supposed drawbacks.

We that are Believers are just like everyone else; except we belong to God for all eternity! Hallelujah!! Registered & Protected

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6 replies

  1. Indeed, we will never be the same! Thank 9our) God!

  2. (our) not 9 gods 😉


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Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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