Does God Have A Sense of Humor?

As a child growing up I often heard the phrase, “God must have a sense of humor.” As I was watching the History Channel I heard a voice which kept repeating this question. At the moment this question appeared to me I was watching episodes related to the End Times, and The Antichrist so there was “nothing” funny about what I was watching, but the question wouldn’t go away. So much so, I was led to study this. So, does God have a sense of humor?

This is a neat post on whether or not God has a sense of humor. Written by Robin over at Christian CoffeeShop, this article takes a quick but interesting look at whether or not God laughs!

To finish reading this post, please head over to While you are there why not let Robin know something she wrote blessed you, and check out the rest of her site. Registered & Protected


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7 replies

  1. This was a really great blog post Greg. I read it and I have to say that I’ve never realized before that all the time that God laughs in the Bible is at the calamity of those who consistently were sinning and resisting Him.

    I think it’s good to look into everything in context which to me means, yes God laughs but God is also merciful, compassionate, and desires for everyone to repent.

    Nice stuff 🙂

  2. Wow…thank you so much for the feature…Many, many blessings to you….Robin

Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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