Glory, Praise, and Worship

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Glory to God in the highest at all times, in all places, in all things.
Receive not God’s glory unto yourself, for you are but a servant.

Praise to the One, the One who leads in all things even death.
Jesus commanded many things; He also never failed to practice what He preached.
Jesus purchased life; with His own blood…glory and praise to the King.

Jesus is the Rock, upon which we are enabled to stand.
Jesus is the Great Sheppard, our guide through a life lived in a difficult world.
Take heart, Jesus overcame the world for us.

God our Father hears us, because Jesus asks Him to.
Jesus lives to make intercession for those who follow Him.
While we were yet sinners, Jesus rescued us.

On our knees are we made able to stand.
On our knees we speak and are heard by a Holy and perfect God.
On our knees we gain strength to face the day.

The Word of God is just that: the Words of God.
The Word is living and active, surround yourself with it.
The Word is powerful, avail yourself of its incredible power today.

God over all, the Creator, the Sustainer of all, Giver of life…became a servant.
Likewise do we need to serve and be His servants.

Worship Jesus and no other, give praise and worship to the Lamb who is alone worthy.
Worship not…your money, your family, your possessions, your job…
Worship the Lord; release your idols.

Because of I AM…we are.
Because of the One who is the Way…we can follow.
Because of the One who is Truth…we can know.
Because of the One who is Life…we have life now and forever.

Father bless your children with a love that is on fire for You. May we who are your children also love one another. Help us Lord to serve the Body of Christ in whatever way we are capable of doing. May we honor you in our service to You Lord. Let us not put anything above or before You Lord. Help us in our weakness Father, that You may be glorified by showing your strength through our weakness. Father may You also grant us discernment that we may know what is of You and from You, and what is of ourselves or the world. Lord may all who read this be blessed by these simple words.
In the Great Name of Jesus, Amen.


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6 replies

  1. Amen! Thank you for an extra time of worship this morning.

  2. This did my heart good, Greg! 😀
    Thank you!

Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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