The World Ends (Again)

Pretty sunset

Sunrise by Marybeth Haydon

I forgot that the world was supposed to end today.


What is it that some folks are preoccupied with knowing the Mind of God? Are we so arrogant that we actually think that we can predict something that the Word of God states in Matthew 24:35, 36 “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words will by no means pass away. But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.”

 Sure, any day, any hour holds the possibility that it could be the last for any one of us, no one is guaranteed a tomorrow. Stuff happens. Really bad stuff happens. But even these individual circumstances cannot be predicted.

There was a time that I would have welcomed “the end” with open arms; oh please DO, end this madness! But as I’ve matured, as I’ve twice survived deadly disease, have survived life threatening circumstances (four of them to be exact!), and have survived MYSELF in my younger years, I’m continuing to learn that there is a bigger picture. There are people who count on me. There are others that I’ve yet to meet, to share “my story” with.

Yes the world did not end…again! This is a great article written by Marybeth from Wilderness Training. In this article Marybeth tells us that that our focus should be on God and what He does, not on the world and what people say.

To finish reading this article, please head over to:
While you are there why not check out some of Marybeth’s other articles and let her know something she wrote blessed you. Registered & Protected


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Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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