Living Water…Drink Deeply

Grant oh Lord a well within
A Living well of abundance
Water with no end

Living water that refreshes
A wellspring that flows forever more
Never to run dry

Bless me oh Lord
Bequeath to me your Spirit
Living within the heart, yet never contained

A spirit guided by the Spirit
Let the Spirit rule over all
Let the flesh be subservient to this Spirit

May the Spirit reign in me
May the water overflow
The Living water into other vessels in need

The Living water flows
Reflecting a light so bright
Dazzling to behold

The brightness of Christ
Yes Christ and no other
Light on a hill

The Spirit guides
The water flows
My spirit knows


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4 replies

  1. This was such a blessing and Spirit Filled! Thank you and God bless you!

  2. Greg your poetry is inspirational, spirit filled, and reminds me the Psalms. Filled with love, compassion and honor for the Lord. Thank you for your post. I’ve also nominated you for 3 blogger awards. Below is the link…Many, many blessings to you…Robin

Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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