The Need for Christian Business Collaboration

The following is a guest post written by Trent Erwin dealing with the business world and how business owners relate to the world. You can learn more about Trent at the end of this article.

You’ve heard the terminology, “in the world, but not of it,” and it’s true, especially for business. Christian business owners are strewn across the world and uphold incredible Christ-like values and systems, but they don’t have the greatest support system, at least not in the business sphere.

Typical business can be ruthless, selfish, ignorant, and greedy. Some business owners build an empire through taking advantage of others. These aren’t Christian values nor do Christian business owners work in this fashion. While Christian business plans may seem outdated or void of practicality—to the world—they uphold the heart of Christ and seek to bless the world, not take advantage of it.

Christian business deserves a greater support system, a place to come together and discuss ideas, hold each other accountable, and make it easy for people to learn how business functions under the umbrella of Christ’s teaching and guidance. Christian business exists and it’s strong. It’s time to strengthen it even more. 

Christian Business Principles

Christian business looks different from other business for a reason. Christian business owners make it a point to uphold Christian values and not waver from them. Those values distinguish businesses and make them greater. When you act like Christ, people begin to notice. Some may not agree, but others will understand and see the distinction that is being made.

Companies that are striving to be like Christ practice His teachings and they look like this:

-Honesty: again, some businesses build an empire through unethical tactics and practice. Christian business owners strive for honesty in business. Whether it’s just what the business is doing, the way they provide products and services, or business deals, they provide transparency and don’t work behind people’s backs. It’s about being true to what you say and admitting when you’re wrong. Honesty wins, without a doubt, and people notice and value it.

-Generosity: Christian companies aren’t about big profit and revenue. Christian companies are about giving, just as Christ made it point to take care of the underprivileged. Yes, profits enter the business, but they exit in the form of selfless giving and support that other businesses don’t care about. When you understand Christ’s mission, you understand it’s not about monetary wealth, but wealth in Christ we need and give.

-Selfless: it’s not about you or the business, it’s about loving others through business. Christ said we are known as disciples by our love, and that incorporates our love in the business world. Christian companies strive to help consumers as much as possible and make it about them and not the growth or prosperity of the company. It’s about enabling and providing for others.

-Excellence: we aren’t to be lazy and slothful in our work. We are to work with diligence and excellence, as the Father has taught and shown us. Excellence presents a witness of Christ through our commitment to offer everything we have while we’re here on this earth. Christian businesses must be excellent, which doesn’t mean prosperity and popularity, but holding fast to diligence and quality work. No shortcuts, no cheating, no skipping over things—only dedication to giving our best effort.


Bio: Trent Erwin is a freelance writer/marketer for Genesis Net Development, a passionate follower of Christ and firm believer in glorifying Christ through business.

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Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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