Ignoring The Enemy

By Neil Anderson

March 30

Colossians 2:6 
As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him
There are three ways of responding to the demonic taunts and barbs being thrown at you during your daily walk with Christ, and two of these ways are wrong.
First, the most defeated people are those who consider demonic thoughts and believe them. A subtle thought is shot into your mind: “You don’t pray, read your Bible, or witness like you should. How could God love you?” That’s a bald-faced lie because God’s love is unconditional. But you start thinking about your failures and agreeing that you’re probably not very lovable to God. Pretty soon you’re sitting in the middle of the street going nowhere.
These Christians are totally defeated simply because they have been duped into believing that God doesn’t love them, or that they will never be a victorious Christian, or that they are a helpless victim of the past. There is no reason why they can’t get up immediately and start walking again, but they have believed a lie and the lie controls their life.
The second response is just as unproductive. You try to argue with the demons: “I am not ugly or stupid. I am a victorious Christian.” You’re proud that you don’t believe what they say, but they’re still controlling you and setting your agenda. You’re standing in the middle of the street shouting at them when you should be marching forward.
We are not to believe evil spirits, nor are we to dialogue with them. Instead, we are to ignore them and choose the truth. You’re equipped with the armor of God; they can’t touch you unless you drop your guard. With every arrow of temptation, accusation or deception they shoot at you, simply raise the shield of faith, deflect the attack, and walk on. Take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. The way to defeat the lie is by choosing the truth.
Prayer: In the face of the lies the enemy throws at me today, Lord, I choose and embrace Your truth.

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Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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