Serving God Faithfully

Vine of Life News

God's Love

Copyright© 2013 πίστις

How do you serve God? Are you caught up in a frenetic race to go to this meeting, attend that Bible study, help out with this or that event etc?

What you do for God is not really important, it is how and why you do what you do for God that matters. Do you serve God looking to serve His body, or do you serve looking for the recognition and position you can achieve? God is much more interested in how you serve Him than He is in how much you serve Him.

Serving the Lord should be done out of love for what He first did for us, He saved us. His love for us enables us to serve Him…out of love He saved us, out of love part of Him is with us. Out of love He changes us. Without the initial investment of God within us, we can do nothing for Him.

Some wrongly believe in a works based salvation. This could not be further from the truth. My works and yours mean absolutely nothing without first having experienced the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Let me put it to you this way; your works without being saved by grace first are like going to the grocery store, getting all your groceries at the checkout…and then realizing your credit card is at home, useless!

Celebrate what God has done in you…through His great love for you.


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7 replies

  1. I serve by being a sort of combination ‘online missionary’ (their words, I don’t see myself as that!) and encourager to those who already believe. Most of my contacts are in places like India, Africa and such. I am not always doing it because I love God and want to serve Him 🙁 I carry on as the contacts I have are looking for help and I care about them. I do seriously need to change my mindset again. I was just thinking of this this morning as I answered 3 people who needed help. Thanks for writing this as it confirmed to me that I need to change why I do what I do.

  2. People should be able to tell WHO we serve by HOW we serve. May we all serve with love and grace so there is no doubt we serve Christ!

  3. Thanks for the reblog!
    God bless


  1. Just Serve God….That Simple | LSW Ministries "No One Left Behind"
  2. Dealing faithfully | daily meditation

Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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