Where are you in your walk with Christ?
I wish I had been asked that question years ago then maybe I wouldn’t have wandered far and away from God but unfortunately I wasn’t and I did.
Are you merely a spectator? – going to whatever place of worship you go to? Do you go because you know in your heart that you are right with God and there is nothing that hinders your relationship with Him or are you going for one or a variety of reasons known only to you?
Maybe your friends go – maybe it has become a habit after years upon years upon donkey years of going and that’s where you go on Saturday/Sundays or whatever?
You, like me may have sat under countless ministers, priests or whoever and heard the saving gospel of coming to Jesus time and time again and yet something inside of you tells you that you are not right with Him.
Will you go on for maybe another 20 or 30 years professing your religion in heaps of ways and all for an outward appearance and attendance?
Easy to do – listen to the word – recite the ‘sinners’ prayer – sing the songs and ‘worship’ Jesus.
You know, we can sing all the songs we like – we can read the pages of the Bible till they fall apart – we can shake hands with the people – we can even take an active roll in the church as Secretary or Verger or dare I say it even ministering to the people yet not really know Jesus as Lord of our lives
But if God isn’t in charge of our lives and if He isn’t worshiped in such a way that He is glorified then all of our lip service doesn’t mean zip!
I fell into this category for years – that’s what we did on a Sunday – we went to church! Yay and Woohoo!
I shudder to think of exactly how many times I heard appeals and alter calls – it didn’t mean me surely! – I was doing my bit – I was here – I was teaching Sunday School wasn’t I? When I go out of that door that feeling of “Maybe I’m not right with God” will leave me! (and it usually did).
How many times are you going to listen to that prayer? 10,000 before it sinks in and you get the message that God means YOU? Maybe on your deathbed? – I have time you may think – well you may have to think again – No one knows when our time here on earth will cease and then what?
Sometimes we can get so accustomed to hearing the Gospel that our very souls seem to drop off to slumber land and it becomes all to blase.
Our God is a merciful and loving God – He desperately wants to have a relationship with us – He wants to guide us and nurture us – He wants to show us that love no matter what we have done or even who we have been with. He certainly doesn’t want to punish us!
But He also is a just and holy God – a God who won’t extend His grace forever. His love for us and the gift held out to us is now! we MUST act now tomorrow may be too late!
We need to have a holy reverence for our God – not treat Him with disrespect – He sent his Son to die for YOU! Yes YOU with all your faults and foibles – He wants YOU as you are to come to Him now.
Don’t delay to commit to Jesus – we need to do it now – Handing everything over to Him – nothing held back.
Ask His forgiveness, accept His amazing Gift of the promise of His Holy Spirit living inside of you, changing and molding your life – Turn from your past and trust Him for your future.
He and He alone is the only one we can trust with our lives.
Christ Himself taking up residence inside of your life – you will never be the same again.
So if you are Professor become a Possessor and make 2014 THE most memorable year of your life.
Faith in God is believing His Word over anything you may see, hear or experience. Married to SueAnn and living in Newcastle NSW Australia – We both love Jesus – he is our strength, our Hope and our Redeemer.
Amen Bruce…very good word here today. Thank you for posting this.
Thanks Greg – you are such an encourager – God bless you and your ministry
🙂 🙂