Evil And Debauchery Reign Supreme: Where Is The Voice Of The Church?

Originally appeared on The Olive Branch Report.

Where is the Voice of the Church?

Copyright© 2014 πίστις

When looking at the world around you, what do you see? Do the eyes of your heart really take in what is so prevalent in this world?

There is of course good in the world and yet as time marches on we seem to see more and more downright evil. Where are the voices denouncing this?

Babies burned as fuel to heat a hospital, Christians beheaded for refusing to recant Christ, abortions are as common as shopping at the store, blasphemy against God is an everyday occurrence, serving self is the primary goal of existence. The list just goes on and on…

The World is descending into absolute debauchery and many seem to think this is “just the way the world is”. This IS the way the world is, but I have news for you, this is NOT the way God wants it to be. This is the way the people want it to be.

There is a price to be paid for living outside the will of God, a very steep price…and those who abhor God will pay it. They will pay with an eternity of suffering after this life is long gone.

Where is the teaching in the Church on this? Where is the moral outrage?

Instead we see more and more so-called “ministries” deciding that they know better than God and do what is plainly against the Word of God. One well-known charity had decided to start hiring Christian married homosexual staff members…except that there is no such thing as “Christian” homosexuals. Then after a huge outcry, the decision was reversed; funding going down was mentioned. They had “prayed for years” whether or not to hire homosexual staff members, what is there to pray about? God says homosexuality is wrong, period.

There is way too much feel good teaching in today’s Church; it is seemingly very pervasive and very much tolerated. This is not how it should be.

The Bible should be taught according to what is in it, all of it. Having said that; this is not carte blanche to bash people over the head with their sins either. I have heard people say; God hates this sin and He hates you too…NO He does not. This kind of teaching is abhorrent, God loves the sinner He hates the sin.

People need to be told truthfully what sin is and where that sin will lead them. They need to be told this in love because we the Believer care about them, not in self-righteousness by clueless preachers, evangelists, and bloggers etc.

The Church needs to wake up and find it’s voice again while not tolerating those who hatefully denounce others thinking themselves above reproach.

Let us preach the message of Christ…and while doing so love others. We as the body of Christ need to remember two things.

  1. The Word needs to be preached, all of it unapologetically, lovingly.
  2. No matter how repugnant someone’s sins may be…we were and are no better, all have sinned.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0wETP50xuE?rel=0]

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Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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