by Neil Anderson

April 15

1 John 4:1 
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
Paul warned us against the deception which comes through demonic influence (1 Timothy 4:1). John also cautioned us to test the spirits and to distinguish the spirit of truth from the spirit of error (1 John 4:1-6). Satan’s demonic forces are at work attempting to pollute your mind with lies in order to keep you from walking in the truth. Hannah Whitehall Smith wrote:
There are the voices of evil and deceiving spirits, who lie in wait to entrap every traveler entering these higher regions of spiritual life. . . . These spiritual enemies, whoever or whatever they may be, must necessarily communicate with us by means of our spiritual faculties, and their voices, as the voice of God, are an inward impression made upon our spirit. Therefore, just as the Holy Spirit may tell us by impressions what the will of God is concerning us, so also will these spiritual enemies tell us by impression what is their will concerning us, though not, of course, giving it their name” (Quoted from Martin Wells Knapp, Impressions , Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishing, Inc., 1984, pp. 14-15).
Due to the deceptive nature of his impressions, Satan’s voice may not always be detected objectively. You need to pray in order to disassociate yourself from deceiving spirits.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I commit myself unreservedly to Your will. If I have been deceived in any way, I pray that You will open my eyes to the deception. I command in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that all deceiving spirits depart from me, and I renounce and reject all counterfeit gifts (or any other spiritual phenomena). Lord, if it is from You, bless it and cause it to grow that Your body may be blessed and edified through it.
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2 replies

  1. Satan is a source of great wisdom to those that seek it. Why run away from something forbidden when that source like the apple upon the tree of knowledge brings delight and liberty. I do encourage all to seek Satan and work out for themselves his nature rather than trust the fearful words of fearful men.

    • Satan is a source of nothing but lies and he cares nothing for you or any who follow him…why would you want to follow something that does not care for you and only sees you as a means of attaining an imagined goal?

      Keep in mind that Satan was a high ranking angel who was made by the Lord God and was cast down for attempting to usurp that which is not his, worship. Satan tested himself against Christ and lost the battle. Satan rules this world until the return of Christ, then he shall be cast into the lake of fire and all who worship him will go there as well.

      Satan feeds you with lies blinding you to the truth, I hope and pray you see the truth before the return of the Lord at which point you will see the truth and it will be late to follow Christ.

Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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