by Neil Anderson
July 3
2 Corinthians 5:20
We are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were entreating through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God
God has a unique place of ministry for each of us. It is important to your sense of fulfillment that you realize exactly where that place is. The key is to discover the roles you occupy in which you cannot be replaced, and then decide to be what God wants you to be in those roles.
For example, of the five billion people in the world, you are the only one who occupies your unique role as husband, father, wife, mother, parent, or child in your home. God has specially planted you to serve Him by serving your family and the community where you live.
“I don’t understand women who are looking for fulfillment in the world in some meaningless job,” said a mother of five children. “What could be more challenging and meaningful than raising five godly children and managing a Christian home?” I agree. Assuming the responsibility of our primary roles is too challenging for some, but it is the only path of fulfillment. You will never be fulfilled trying to become something you’re not.
You occupy a unique role as an ambassador for Christ where you work and live. These are your mission fields and you are the worker God has appointed for the harvest there. Your greatest fulfillment will come from accepting and occupying God’s unique place for you to the best of your ability. Sadly, so many miss their calling in life by looking for fulfillment in the world. Find your fulfillment in the kingdom of God by deciding to be an ambassador for Christ in the world. Paul said, “Do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry” (2 Timothy 4:5).
Prayer: Lord, keep me sensitive to the ministry You have for me in the ordinary places of my daily life.
Beautiful and extremely thought provoking.
I love the sentiment expressed here. If we could all meditate on this subject today, I believe that we would wake tomorrow with a TRUE sense of freedom on the day that America celebrates that very idea.
Well said. 🙂 Thanks for visiting ICB.
God bless
This is so wonderfully and simply refreshing, Neil. If people did just these things then they’d be walking in His plan so as to also identify their unique plan as well… Gifts, talents, and all.
Agreed! Neil is a great writer! 🙂
God bless