You Are Not a Speck—You Are Cherished!

Adrian Rogers

July 29

“. . . the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” – Matthew 10:30

The Lord sees you. He knows all about you. And I guarantee you on the authority of the Word of God, that He loves you.

This is amazing when you realize that we are just specks on a globe that’s about the size of a grain of sand or less compared to the size of the universe.

There’s no more reason that the Lord of Glory should be interested in us than we should be interested in an ant floating on a piece of cheesecake in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. And yet our Lord looks down and He sees us as cherished individuals that He loves one by one.

The great God that runs the universe is concerned about you as though that were His only goal.

When was the last time you counted the hairs on your head? Can you trust a God who has them numbered?

For more from Love Worth Finding and Pastor Adrian Rogers, please visit


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2 replies

  1. “You are special, You are greatly loved, and you are a daughter of the Most High God.” Then the Lord, after telling me that, answered some concerns I had. For those who may doubt, believe what Pastor Rogers has written here, It’s true!

Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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