
Suddenly things can change
Suddenly life can throw us a curved ball

Suddenly our life as we know it can be over!
I didn’t realise just how suddenly life can end until this very week when our neighbour and friend for 44 long years died so suddenly that really none of us could believe it.
living near this beautiful person was indeed a privilege and over the years we became even much more than neighbours we became good friends and travelling companions. Their house was ours and vice versa which I suppose was a good thing in the end because we were able to access the house when there were no signs of everyday life.
Yes! It has indeed been hard week for all concerned. Us as friends and neighbours and of course the family who are and will be for quite some time shocked beyond belief and suffering the on-going pangs of grief and sadness.
So where does that leave us? Well, it came home to us in a very real way that life is indeed transient. There were photographs of our dear friend taken just hours before they died, enjoying life and friendships completely unaware that their life would be taken in just a couple of hours time.
The death of someone we love and respect is just heartbreaking – each bereavement is set in their own context and emotions. There is the death of losing someone who has suffered for years with a terminal illness and there is, like our dear friend, a sudden and shocking unexpected and early death which immobilises us with sorrow and grief.
Love sort of pins us to wall sometimes – we are stricken with an emotion that we can’t really explain when that person we love is suddenly taken from us and we become so vulnerable to sorrow and grief.
So what do we do – and what does God say about our grief, our loneliness and whether we should in fact hold off loving people because of the hurt we may one day feel when that person is ripped away from us?
When our loved ones die we can often beat ourselves up thinking we could have done this or said that and I wish I had only been there maybe I could have helped! But I really feel that God in His love doesn’t want anyone to punish themselves over the death of anyone.
The Bible tells us a lot of times about joy and peace that is deep within those of us who have given our lives to Christ. God wants us to repent of our sins and start trusting in Him. Then when life overwhelms us and the waves crash around us then we can tap into the ever embracing arms of our Lord who is always there for us all of the time. He is waiting earnestly for us to call on His name.
Life for the Christian certainly doesn’t mean living in a bed of roses or a nice little chocolate box type home. Life for us followers of Jesus is often hard and filled with the normal trials and tribulations of everyone else. The grief we feel is just as real, the hurts, frustrations and emotions are just as strong.
God did not spare His only Son but watched Him die a horrible and excruciating death for us and why? Because His love and mercy and not wanting any of us to perish but to go on living eternally with Him – the very Creator of our universe.
2 Peter 3: 9 says:- ‘The Lord is not slow in keeping His promises, as some understand slowness. Instead He is patient with you. not wanting ANYONE to perish but everyone to come to repentance”
God does not want any of us to die not knowing Him and asking him into our lives to lead us. His plan for all of us is to come to a realisation of Him and get to know Him personally. We can accept his offer of forgiveness and love or we can reject Him entirely. The  outcome for us is exactly the same in  regards to death. We are all headed in that same direction. Unfortunately death waits for all of us.
Like our friend and neighbour death can come on us all quite unexpectedly and so suddenly that our friends and family are literally bowled over. The difference of course is that we have to make very sure as to where we are going after death and are we prepared for it to hit us at any time?
How do we do that? By asking Christ into our lives – being one hundred percent committed to Him. making sure that there is absolutely nothing that is gong to prevent you from being able to commit your life to Him. Maybe asking forgiveness for that someone who has been wronged or has wronged you.
Life is short! VERY short. None of us have any idea when our lives could be asked of us. Are you ready? Are you sure? Make it your priority to give your life to Jesus right now.


6 replies

  1. Yes and Suddenly we can all go to heaven to sit beside one another, and to have food, to take part in the banquet which Jesus Christ has given us. Amen.

  2. I am so sorry for your loss, Bruce. I lost my husband after a long illness and I can’t imagine the shock and pain of losing someone unexpectantly as you have. The pain of loss runs deep and to add shock on top is unimaginable to me. There is great comfort for those of us who have accepted Christ as our Savior but where does that love and comfort come from for those who reject Him? They must feel an emptiness that we cannot fathom because we have the One who fills us and comforts us. May the Lord fill you and his family with His peace beyond all understanding.

    • Thanks Sue – God is amazing and true and His mercies never cease to surprise me. Thank you so much for you concern and love

  3. Hi Bruce, I’m so sorry for your loss my brother. Tough to lose a close friend no matter the circumstances. God bless you and all the families involved.

Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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