When we feel like God has abandoned us and we keep asking WHY?
When we feel like we can’t go on – not even for another moment.
It’s those very moments when we have nothing to rely on; when we come face to face with the big question
What do I really and truly believe?
Where in the name of goodness is God in all of this mess.
Feeling like this is not something new – not for you and certainly not for me.
Life can be so disconcerting it makes my head spin sometimes! Maybe when you have paid so much attention into building a life worthy of what you believe – maybe when you have put so much energy in training your kids and trying with all your might to give them a secure and encouraging future – maybe when you have given your all to your marriage and worked tirelessly to bring about successful and happy union yet it all falls in a heap – suddenly and inexplicably. WHY?
At special times like this we are NOT alone – God is never going to leave you alone NOT ever – so lift your head – break the chains that are holding your down and lean on Jesus.
Satan is trying so hard to destroy that very foundation of your life as you see it right at this moment – the evil one is using that very thing to come between you and God – BUT God may be able to use that very thing to make you and bring you into the place where He can use you even more and bless you even greater.
You may think that God has abandoned you but the good news is that He hasn’t and He never will – Although it is us that could abandon Him!! This is satan’s plan all along to drive that wedge deeper and deeper into that little crevice of doubt and ill feeling to eventually try to separate you from the one who loves you the most and will be there for you through thick and thin.
God has never promised us an easy ride – He has never promised that we will be able to have everything our hearts desire and make every dream come true. It is us that places that pressure on our very beings not God.
We don’t know the future – we never can – and we never will. Just when we think we are going along OK it is usually then that something tragic may happen that throws us into turmoil and confusion.
Hang onto God no matter what – that’s why He has given us the beautiful gift of prayer – where we can pour our hearts out Him – He will refresh us and enable us to lift our hearts and heads to Him.
What an amazing couple of verses are these – let’s not despair but give God the glory – no matter what is thrown at us – or who has abandoned us. Let’s worship God and lift our hands in praise to Him. Let’s spend quality time with Him alone no matter what we are feeling and what we are going through.
Psalm 143:4-6 “So I am ready to give up; I am in deep despair. I remember the days gone by; I think about all you have done, I bring to mind all your deeds. I lift up my hands to you in prayer; like dry ground my soul is thirsty for you”
God bless you no matter what you are going through this week- remember we are all carrying burdens – the thing is, are we ready to give that burden to Jesus? Are we ready to share it with Him?
Will giving it to Jesus make our burdens disappear? NO! But he has promised to see us through to the very end.
Grab His promises today.
Faith in God is believing His Word over anything you may see, hear or experience. Married to SueAnn and living in Newcastle NSW Australia – We both love Jesus – he is our strength, our Hope and our Redeemer.
Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."