Against All Odds

By John Miltenberger
“Behold, I [am] the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?”
[Jeremiah 32:27; NKJV]
Today, I’m walking out of a trap I’ve been in for some time. Of course, I didn’t know I was in it…perhaps you will understand.
I know better than to purposely see only one side of the proverbial coin, but like many other humans, I do it anyway. And God let’s my mono-vision go only so long until He breaks through my walls and brings His light. That’s what happened early this morning.
Lately I’ve been burdened by concentrating on all the abortions happening every day in this country. Also, I’ve been thinking of the incredible, in-your-face public corruption in our government, and the very real possibility that conservative principles will once again be voted down by the dumbed down, in spite of all fact and logic. It has been difficult to keep my head above the spiritual waters. And when I consider all our collective sins in this once great country, and the evident ongoing hardness of our hearts, it is against all logic that there would be any ultimate hope. But that changed for me this morning, and if it can change for me, there’s lot’s of hope for others.
God is a showman. He loves to show off His handiwork, and He does so every day, even though many of us blithely go about our daily lives blind to the display. He loves to astonish us by doing the impossible, and the against-all-odds events, like the survival of modern day Israel.
All through scripture, God makes astonishing statements, not all of them easy to read, and then says, “Then they will know that I AM God.” And at 3:45 am this morning, as I began praying for this country, what came out was, “As long as we’re breathing, and You’re on Your throne, there is hope – against all odds.” And you don’t have to be a cranial giant to realize the USA is deeply enmeshed in an against-all-odds framework.
Frankly, I’m finding it almost too incredible to believe that God could turn this country to Himself, and all the facts would seem to scream in opposition, but there is nothing impossible for God. The scriptures are chock full of history in which God, usually at the very last moment, showed up and overturned the “odds”. I couldn’t even begin to give a list of them, but the fact remains, God is naturally supernatural, as Sid Roth likes to say, and apparently He just loves to astonish us finite creatures with how awesome He is. For the USA, what better time than now?
Yesterday was our Independence Day in this country, and for at least my generation and what’s left of the preceding generation, it has real meaning; I’m praying that we will declare our national independence from Satan, and all his lies.
Now, I don’t see how any of this could be remotely possible, and it isn’t, apart from The Incredible One. As long as we’re breathing and He’s on His throne, I’m praying He turns this country to Himself.
Sin always has consequences, even factoring in God’s forgiveness, and I don’t know exactly what the country will have to go through to turn to God, but there is a possibility because of the nature of our God.
Even though there are astronomical odds against winning the lottery (no endorsement), what remains true is that there is a slight chance, and those who don’t play, won’t find it….I think there are better odds that our incredible God will once again do the impossible – if we pray.
But what if God doesn’t show up and pull the USA out of the dustbin of history? What then? Was all of this praying in vain? I say it is not in vain. Prayer offered up to an eternal God, and delivered to Him in eternity, becomes eternal itself. That remains true just as long as God is on His throne – no matter what it looks like in time.
Spiritually, as of the afternoon Jesus said, “It is finished.”, God rigged the game. He’s already won, and the offer’s on the table – do we want to join Him in victory?
The “joining” only happens through prayer. I’m betting that no matter how uphill it looks on the ground, (only) God will win, and He’ll do it as He’s always done it – against all odds.
John Miltenberger is a Christian blogger, visit John on his site: The Trip So Far
נבחר על ידי רצונו של אלוהים להיות בנו המאומץ


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Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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