Grace Abounds

Jesus in the clouds“Many are lost by their own doing. They refuse to follow the One who can and will fulfill their hearts. Traditions, in so many countries, hinder growth. Traditions become idols and God is a jealous God.
Those who follow the Law, are lost, for the Law only rewards temporarily. There is no grace in the Law for it is mere rules, rituals, and traditions. Grace abounds for those who desire it. For the asking it shall be granted.
Release your hearts O’ Jerusalem, your God is waiting. His patience is long yet the time is near that all shall bow and kneel at His feet. O’ loved ones of the Lord your God, put your idols aside. God’s grace is there to lead you on. The battle is not yours for it is a spiritual battle. Good versus evil and you shall win the eternal destiny only if you believe the One who led your forefathers out of Egypt.
Trust the Mighty One to lead you and His people out of the desolation of your hearts. Blessings shall be poured out, the battle has been won. Only you can release the enemy of your hearts. Allow the grace and mercy of the Lord your God to bring you out of the war of your hearts.
The evil abounds and those who follow the father of lies is out to capture you. The enemy from the North is on your heels. They are relentless and will not give in to the Father for the evil one has captured their hearts and deceives them mightily.
The time is near, let not your souls wither. The grains of sand are plenty and yet can fall to the wayside in a mere breath. Take up the swords of your heart and stand firm in the Lord, the King of kings, for His glory shall prevail.
Go forth in His light for darkness cannot withstand the Light of time. Be cautious as to who you follow for false prophets are on the rise. They are Satan’s play things doing his will and will lead you into the fires of hell. Look for the truth My chosen ones for the Lord your God is your guide. Stand fast on His truth all ye who believe, for the times shall become unbearable to all who have not faith in the One who is faithful to love you through all time.
Be strong in the Lord for He is your victory.”
By the Holy Spirit 8-11-06
Scripture ref’s: Gal. 3:10-14, 5:1

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Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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