A Sin Against The Home

Adrian Rogers

There is no sin that will do you more personal damage spiritually, mentally, and physically than immorality. We hear young people talking today about “safe sex.” Sex is not intended to be dangerous. You shouldn’t even be talking about safe sex. It is sacred sex.
Immorality is a sin against self. It’s a sin against the home—indeed, this is one of the most heinous things about immorality.
I want to quote what Kent Hughes says: “The man who commits adultery says this to his children: ‘Your mother is not worth much, and your father is a liar and a cheat. Furthermore, honor is not nearly as important as pleasure. In fact, my child, my own satisfaction is more important than you are.’”
Psalm 24:3-5 says, “Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? Or who shall stand in His holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation.”
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Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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