What Did Jesus Say about Divorce?

By Charles R. Swindoll

Lately, the Western world has zoomed in on the topic of same-sex marriage, leaving the issue of divorce virtually ignored. Yet Christians and non-Christians alike continue to struggle through both considering divorce and the decision to divorce. We need clear guidance on this topic. The Bible’s teaching on divorce is expansive; however, in this short piece, we’ll narrow our focus to one important aspect of Jesus’s teaching from >Mark 10:1–12—the condition for divorce.
When the Pharisees tested Jesus on this controversial issue of divorce, His response focused on the “one fleshness” of a married couple (>Mark 10:2–9). Later, the disciples privately asked Jesus to explain His answer (10:10). As was His custom, once He was alone with the disciples, Jesus underscored the salient part of His teaching. He clearly stated that marriage is to be a permanent bond between one man and one woman. To break it off and marry another is adultery (10:11–12).
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  1. those who’re doing & giving divorce they need to learn a good lesson from this website! I am going to share this page on my Facebook profile …. thanx admin :))

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