The skate board flies out from under his feet and lands several feet away. The boy picks himself up off the ground, crying and rubbing his knees.
A Man standing near by watching slowly walks to the boy and asks, “Are you okay?” The boy stiffens his shoulders and pulls himself up to a full stance and exclaims, “Yeah. I’m little but I’m tough!”
The Man laughs and walks over to pick up the skate board. As He hands it back to the boy He says, “The wheel is broken. Maybe your Dad can fix it.”
The boy bursts out crying.
The Man places an arm around the boy’s shoulder and pulls him close as the boy sobs.
“I know you don’t have a Dad.” The Man gently states.
The boy jerks away, swipes roughly at his tears and demands, “How do you know that!?”
“I am the I Am and I know everything about you. There’s an ice cream stand over there. Would you like an ice cream cone? Strawberry, I presume.” The Man smiles broadly.
The boy accepts and while eating their ice cream the Man explains to the boy that even though his father walked out on them when he was a baby that he still has a Father. They talk long after the ice cream has been eaten.
He walks the boy to a nearby shop and has the broken wheel fixed. The boy grabs the newly repaired skateboard and rushes out the door. He jumps on the skate board and as he pushes off he turns to thank the Man.
But the Man is gone.
(Sue’s version) Psalm 27:10
Sue is a Follower of Jesus Christ and the CEO of Elah Ministries, Inc. A 501c3 offering hope, healing, and deliverance through her ministering to hurting souls, her published books, short stories, blogs, Facebook, and website. She loves playing in the dirt and feeding seagulls on the beach along with a good book in hand is her favorite.
Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."