Have you ever had an experience where you felt the leading of God and urging of the Holy Spirit to take your life in a new direction? Maybe a different career route, a change in life style, a geographical move for some reason, mending a broken relationship? A need to venture into unknown waters? 

There is a most interesting episode with Jesus and the disciples recorded in Mark 4 that so speaks to this. Evening had come and it appears that perhaps being tired from the day of teaching Jesus was wanting to distance Himself from the crowds of people. So in verse 35 Jesus says to them, “Let us go over to the other side of the lake.” Jesus initiated and issued this invitation knowing full well the catastrophe—a storm of hurricane proportions—that was going to develop during the crossing. Of course being the Son of God He already knew how very easily He was going to handle this. He was fast asleep in the stern of the boat when this brutal assault occurred. But Instead of recalling all the miracles they had seen Jesus perform and trusting their knowledge of His divinity, the humanity of the disciples got the best of them. In verse 38 (NIV) they said to Jesus “Do You not even care that we are drowning?” Interesting they were already anticipating the worst outcome possible. Well I must confess I have felt and reacted that very same way sometimes as I complain, “Are You not even concerned about what is happening to me? You are the One who directed me into this situation and now I am being buffeted about and scared to death.”

When those gentle nudges come from our Heavenly Father too often our reaction is a fear of going over to the other side. Where exactly is the other side and what could be lurking there is often our response.

Because of the chiding Jesus gives in verse 40 (Amplified) we know He wanted to challenge their faith. He says, “Why are you so timid and fearful? How is it that you have no faith—no firmly relying trust?” He knew that they would wake Him in a panic and He could teach them the lesson of trust and faith in His power of deliverance.

Oh dear friend our God already knows the obstacles and storms we will endure when we accept His invitation, “Let us go over to the other side.” And yes “us” is correct—He is right there the entire time during the most brutal aspects of the crossing even when we might feel like He is sound asleep.

A Scripture I find comforting in these situations is Deuteronomy 31:3 that reads “It is the Lord your God who will cross ahead of you…” (NAS) Remember the Lord is NOT following—He is one step ahead of you. Take this with you on your next crossing.

(Lonetta is available for speaking engagements throughout the United States. If you are looking for a dynamic, soul stirring, challenging, and engaging presentation for an upcoming Christian event you will not be disappointed. Please contact her through this site or her website for more information.)


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  1. ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE OTHER SIDE? – Inspirational Christian Blogs | BossUpToday

Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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