Thought for Today 06/04/2021: Saved by the Blood of Christ

Life is in the blood, and only blood would pay for the sin of men


By Greg Holt

For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;”  1 Corinthians 15:3

(ICB)  All who read this verse should be thankful, overflowing with thankfulness.  The very God who created all that has been created is the very God who came down to earth and paid the price for my sins, and for your sins.

What a picture!

No one can even begin to imagine the suffering of Christ throughout His ordeal before and during the crucifixion.  It is the greatest love ever known at any time and in any place that held the Lord of Glory to His path – the path of redemption for all humanity.

His path was literally filled with pain beyond imagining.

It was God that demanded perfection of us.  We could not of course meet His demands.  So God came down and paid the price that He Himself demanded for imperfection (sin), Jesus death and suffering on the cross (not to mention the extreme suffering before the cross) paid for our sins with His blood.

Life is in the blood, and only blood would pay for the sin of men. Imperfect man could not pay for even his own sin let alone that of others.  It took a man of perfection, the only one worthy and able to make atonement for us – Jesus Christ.

I have met those, including believers that are of the attitude that life is hard, life sucks and there is little to nothing to be thankful for.

I submit to to you and to them that they are wrong.  The Lord who created you, who gave you life, who never sinned – allowed mere men to horribly abuse Him, and then to bring His human body to the brink of death (I say the brink of because no one killed Christ nor could they, He allowed Himself to die (John 10:18).  Jesus did all this to pay for every man’s sins that every man (and woman) may be saved from the fires of Hell.

Take a moment today and thank the Lord for all that He has done for you.


The Must Read Interview with Satan – How to be Saved


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Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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