The Disney Company Gives the Family & Moral Values the Finger – Celebrates Homosexuality

Disney, formerly a family friendly company is now anything but friendly being dead-set against upholding traditional family values


By Greg Holt

Previously published in 2018.

(ICB) Each year for 34 years, Walt Disney World held the Christian music festival Night of Joy; sadly Disney has decided to discontinue this tradition. Even the Facebook page associated with the festival has been deleted. This is rather telling to me.

Disney said they cancelled the music festival in the interest of “continually changing our offerings,” according to The Daily Wire. Say what you will, but that does not ring true in my mind. To be fair, Disneyland will apparently still hold the Candlelight ceremony that tells the story of Christmas including a reading of the Gospel. How long will this last I wonder?

Walt Disney films were mostly family friendly and pretty good entertainment. I grew up watching The Wonderful World of Disney, Oh how times have changed.

The Disney movie on Sunday nights was always something to look forward to when I was a kid. My children grew up on a diet of Disney cartoons and films. In 2017, Disney released a version of Beauty and the Beast that not only featured the beast with horns (making the beast resemble Baphomet – or Satan), but a gay scene as well. Some reviewers said this was not true, that there was no gay scene; others downplayed it as no big deal. The director of the movie however is openly gay and described the scene as being a gay scene.

In 2015, Disney the parent company of ABC decided to develop a sitcom based on a homosexual activist/X-rated gay sex columnist – despite high pressure not to do so.

Currently, the Disney Channel features a hit show called Andi Mack, this popular show geared towards kids/teens features an openly gay character exploring his homosexuality.

Study Breaks gushes over this wonderful ground breaking show by Disney:

Showcasing a young, gay character on a popular television station will transform the lives of so many young people across the nation. For years, individuals who have felt different and neglected now have someone to look up to: Cyrus.


Most networks still view homosexuality as a taboo topic for children, but Disney is paving the way for this to be normalized. They want to open up a dialogue for children with others and their parents. It is a huge step towards not only a more inclusive network but a more inclusive society as a whole. (source)

There are I suppose many who view this show as being inclusive, ground breaking, and realistic. It is realistic I guess, but personally – I see this as nothing more than the continued indoctrination of our children and even adults. The idea is of course for all to see that homosexuality is normal and completely natural – it is not. God makes it perfectly clear that homosexuality is anything but normal and natural.

So let me see if I have this straight – the Disney Company, a traditionally family friendly medium does away with a Christian event with the idea of continually changing its offerings. But at the same time – Disney provides a steady stream of pro LGBT offerings without change, after having used change as the excuse to eradicate a Christian themed event. Makes sense to me, how about you?

It saddens me to say this – Disney is just one more company to jump on the political correctness bandwagon and throw their support behind the LGBT movement. Disney is obviously setting out to reeducate America and the world on the need to be inclusive and culturally sensitive regardless of the cost to society.

After all, what’s more important – being a culturally inclusive society for all regardless of the cost to its people, or a morally based values driven society founded on God and the family like we used to be?

I think we know Disney’s answer.


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