Serving God

One Thing Needful

If I asked you, What is the one thing needful in your life? How would you reply? There is no mistaking what the one thing needful is in Luke 10:40-42. Although Jesus recognized Martha’s feelings of annoyance, and surely appreciated… Read More ›

Don’t Bury Your Talents

Rob Pue, Publisher – Wisconsin Christian News How does He differentiate between the sheep and the goats, the blessed and the cursed? By what each one DID with the “talents” he was given while occupying the earth. The righteous sheep… Read More ›


By Neil Anderson September 13 Matthew 16:24 If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself A primary reason why we struggle to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission is because we are guilty of a great omission : We… Read More ›

The Right Place

This past week I have been busy doing what I call a “moving drill.” No, we don’t actually move but we clean out like we would if we were moving. Growing up in a minister’s home who moved every four to… Read More ›