We believers are thankful for the salvation we find through the Son of God and in His ultimate sacrifice for us on the cross. With an inexplicable love, God sent His only Son to die a horrible death so that we may be redeemed and called His adopted children. For this incredible act of mercy and love we should be in a constant state of worship, praise, and thanks.
There are many ways for us to express our reverence and adoration for Him. To start, a thankful heart will often spur a believer into a state of gratitude, which can then turn into a song of praise. Music and song is a great way for us to show our love for God. Praise means, “to commend, to applaud or magnify.” For the Christian, praising God is an expression of worship. By lifting Him up, we glorify and edify Him. By focusing our complete attention on the Father, we bless Him.
An act of service is also an act of worship, praise, and thanks. The Word tells us to comfort others with the comfort that we ourselves have been given. When we obediently follow God’s leading to serve and help others, we are submitting to His divine will. It is not just the act of serving but our obedience and submission that blesses the Lord. To honor and exalt Him is worship and we can do it through praise, submission, service, obedience, and acts of devotion and kindness.
God does not have to have our worship, but we must worship Him in order to please and bless Him. Worship brings us closer to God. The Bible says that, “God inhabits in the praises of His people.” (Psalms 22:3) This makes me think that He “dwells” in the atmosphere of our praises for Him. This is communion with God. As we draw near to Him, He in turn draws near to us.
When we choose to act on our desire to selflessly worship, bless, and praise our Creator, it should cause us to reflect on His power and majesty. These acts should also cause us to think more like Him. A heavenly perspective that is lived out in daily life is another way we can worship our God.
The Bible tells us that we can come BOLDLY to the throne of God with our petitions and requests. However, worship demands a contrite and humble heart of submission. Psalm 51:17 reminds us that the “sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.” It is only with a pure heart, humbled by the sacrifice and love of the Father and Son, that our worship attempts will be an acceptable offering to our Father.
So, even on the dark and difficult path you are presently enduring, you need to thank Him. At all times, you need to look up and BELIEVE in His goodness and kindness. You may not understand the “whys” of your trial but that does not matter. It is by faith you were saved and it is by faith that you must trust your situations to God. Set down your burdens today and make time to thank Him. Choose to bless His name even though you don’t feel like it. Decide to trust in His goodness and praise Him. This will be a sacrifice of worship pleasing onto God, like sweet smelling incense before His throne.
Exodus 23:25 (NIV) Worship the LORD your God, and His blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you
Take A Listen To “Ten Thousand Reasons” by Matt Redman
\o/ Blessings Darrell