Inspirational Christian Blog Sites Listing

This page is no longer kept currently updated.




Abiding On
Business of Christ
Absolute Truth From the Word of God
A Lifestyle of Peace
Amazing God Stories
American Clarion
American Prophet
A Servant’s Heart
Austin Coons
Beth Israel Jonathan Cahn
Christian Blessings
Courageous Christian Father


Daily Devotional eBook
Daily PS
Darrell Creswell’s Blog

Delight*Abide*Love Publications & Productions
Doctrines of Faith
Don Boys – CST News
Drusilla Mott On Faith and Writing
Elah Ministries
End Time Bible Prophecy
Eternal Rhythm Flow Ministries
Even A Girl Like Me
Faith Island
Fire Breathing Christian
For His Glory


G & E Adventures in Faith
God Running
God’s Promises Are Real
Grace Notes
Hopeful Wrestling
I Am Not Ashamed Of The Gospel Of Christ
Ian Palmer – the Gray Nomad
Inspirational Christian Blogs
Inspirational Short Sermons


“Journey Towards Maturity” The Joys and Pains of Growing Both Emotionally and Spiritually
Kristi Ann’s Haven
Living The Life God Intended
Lighthouse Devotions
Living Simply In Abundance


Meeting In The Clouds
Middle East Peace Update Report
Music is Worship
My Tribute
New Life Today

Not Ashamed of the Gospel


Patriots and Liberty
Plain Speaking for Christians

Pray Like a Gourmet!
Prismatic Prospects
Pursuing Intimacy With God
Rapture Forums
Reasoned Cases for Christ
Resting in His Grace
Rev. Austin Miles
Ringside Politics


Scott’s Blog
Selwyn Duke

Sermon (video)
Sermon Notes by Silas
Shall Speak To Nation’s Blog
Something More Girl
Sue’s Pen2PaperBlog
The Christian Writers Office
The Light Breaks Through
The Master’s Table
The Sons Of Liberty Radio
The Sons of Liberty Media
The Trip So Far
The Way
Think In Today
Times Square Church
Truth Pressure
Two Minutes of Grace


Voice Of The Persecuted
Walking With a Limp
Washing In Water
Washington Sentinel
Weeping into dancing
Whispered Words of Wisdom
Willowy Whisper


You Decide All That Matter



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129 replies

  1. Hello,
    I have an Christian encouragement blog and I have posted your site/link.

    I hope you visit

  2. Hey, also consider listing this blog….

  3. Hello. Perhaps you’d like to add my site: Thanks!

  4. Hi Great list, thanks for sharing with us

  5. This appears to be what I was searching for, a group of believer’s blogs’… will be checking out as many as possible this week and hopefully, also add many to my blog list. ( ) Hope you will visit. We have also started a new blog titled Only One God.

  6. I would love to be added to the list since my whole blog centers around encouragement through the use of scriptures and my every day experiences.
    Broken, but loved! Mary

  7. Thanks! Filed the list so that I can check something out besides Mark Lee’s!

  8. Hello, I would love to be added to your list. my blog centres on spiritual growth and encouragement to believers, using inspiration from the Scriptures and relevant experiences.

    Thank You

  9. Hello Greg ~

    I have a Christian blog to be considered for your list.

    It’s called “Covered By Mercy” and the web url is

    If I need to link to your site, please let me know. Thank you! God bless.

  10. Hi Greg, looking forward to visiting the blogs on your list 🙂 I would also love it if you would consider my blog On the Road to Healing Thanks so much and let me know if you would like a link back – shalom

  11. Hi, this looks like a great list. I already see one I am familiar with… Darrell Creswell. I look forward to checking out the others… and yours, of course, too : )

  12. Hi Greg, would you consider adding my blog to your list? it is called It is a combination of thoughts from my personal life, and devotionals that I hope can encourage young women, especially, and I’ve also started to add weekly posts on new Christian music to check out.

  13. Greetings! I’m Nadine, and I would appreciate having my blog, Prismatic Prospects, added to this list. I mainly blog about inspirational books and biblical messages of hope for life.

    Thank you!

  14. Hi Greg,

    Please kindly consider adding my website too. It’s
    I am writing about a variety of topics which includes leadership, spiritual, relationship, productivity and many other topics which purpose are mainly to encourage and add value to others =)

    God Bless You

  15. Greg,

    I have a Christian blog, commentary on the bible to be considered for this site.
    I would love to mutually link sites

  16. You’re welcome to check out Christianity 201; and we’re always looking for guest posts that fit the format.

  17. Hello,
    Would you consider adding this blog ? This is a writer’s blog by a young christian homeschooled girl. It is also used as a ministry to encourage young girls to stay pure AND to wait for the ONE God has for them.

  18. Hello,
    I have a blog that gives hope to people who need it…

    Come on by if you’d like 🙂

  19. Hi I have a blog centered on reflecting on God’s love and grace. I would appreciate if you could add it to your site. Thanks so much.

  20. Perhaps you would be so kind as to list my blog: It is a blog that offers a unique perspective on the Bible and the Lord.

  21. Would you also consider adding my blog I publish sermons that range a variety of topics. I welcome guest posts and would be happy to make a contribution if welcome. God bless you!

    • Hi Silas, I have added you to the site listing. Nice site, thank you for all you do for the body of Christ. You are welcome to submit an article as a guest post here if you like. 🙂

  22. Hello Brother,
    I am grateful to you for giving Christians the opportunity to learn and grow spiritually from eachother’s writings. What a lovely thing you’ve provided as a resource. I too, just started a blog. I am including bible teachings, Christian self help, and some theology. I would be grateful for the opportunity of being listed on your blog. Thank you kindly. May you receive rich blessings as you advance in the Lord. God’s grace to all of you who have dedicated your lives to serving Christ. -Jill (Doctrines of Faith)

  23. Hi, I just stumbled across this site after doing a google search about the use of drums in Church. Sounds like a cool network of Christian bloggers for the good of the Church.
    Would you consider adding my blog


  24. Hello! I would love to be added to your list of Christian bloggers! I will also add you to my affiliates page if that is possible. Thanks for your consideration.

  25. There are many good Christian blogs out there today! I absolutely love reading new blogs. I just started my own after wrestling with the idea for years!

  26. My Website is Kristi Ann’s Haven ( ) Kristi Ann’s Haven is a Safe Haven for Everyone!! I believe in our True GOD the FATHER who art in HEAVEN who CREATED the HEAVENS ( UNIVERSE ) and the EARTH / GOD the SON Jesus ( Yeshua ) Christ / GOD the HOLY GHOST ( HOLY SPIRIT ) THESE THREE are ONE!!

    Am Yisrael Chai, HaShem-Yahweh-YHWH Yeshua Adonai Forevermore!!

    Love Always and Shalom Everyone, YSIC \o/

    Kristi Ann

  27. Hello, would you consider adding my blog to your list?

    Title: A Lifestyle of Peace

    Thank you


  28. Please consider adding my blog to your site. This is the title and there is a sample piece for you to read.

  29. Thanks for this list!! If possible, do add: God bless either way!

  30. Dear friends in Jesus Christ,
    I believe, that I got a message from God to built his Church, one not of bricks, but of love, one that will connect hearts of the His people with Him. A better way to say this is “Bringing Jesus to His People and His People to Him”
    Now I am no one here, God is the architect, its his plan, I’m just an instrument, a servant of Christ.
    God wants his people to be brought out of darkness that they can see his Glory

    • I cannot list your blog after having investigated it. Here is why, from your blog:

      Remember what our Holy Father, the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth, the most humble Pope of all times, Pope Francis says,

      If you truly believe that, you are deluded, that is not at all what the Bible teaches. The Pope is a man – same as any other. This Pope is more then a little corrupt – this is the Pope that offered indulgences (which are unbiblical) for following him on Twitter. Same Pope kissed the Quran and said aliens would be baptized if they showed up on earth. This Pope also wants Islam to be cozy with Christianity.

      Study your Bible, you will see that Catholicism is a corrupt religion teaching many untruths.

  31. I hope you will find my blog worthy of adding to your list. It is located at

    Thank you!


  32. I love your blog. I have one to be considered for your list. It has a good following of people searching to connect with God as well as believers. I pray you will consider adding it to your list. Here is the link:

  33. This is a great list. Please consider adding our blog:

  34. Hi Greg, my blog is intended to reflect the peace, the strength, and the hope I experience in the presence of lighthouses. But these inspirations would be meaningless if they did not bring glory, honor, and praise to One who is the true beacon of light to the world, my savior Jesus Christ. Check it out. I hope and pray it is worthy of being listed here. Thanks brother.

  35. I have a Christian Blog that I believe would be good to be added to the list. How does one go about joining or become eligible for consideration?

  36. Hi Greg, I just found your site and added your logo to the footer of my blog Grace and Judgment Please add it to your directory.

  37. Hi Greg, I just found your site and will continue to explore it. Meanwhile I have added your logo to my blog Grace and Judgment I hope you’ll add it to your directory. God bless you. David Guion

  38. Hi. Please add my blog: I am a follower of Jesus based in Harare, Zimbabwe.

  39. Greg, here is another one for your list! Thank you for your consideration!

  40. Please consider adding I am a Christian blogger and author.

  41. Great directory! Would you consider adding to it? It’s a Christian multi author blog; very helpful! 🙂 Thanks in advance for your consideration!

  42. Hi Greg,

    I’m running a christian blog, About my father’s Business It will be if it’s listed on your directory. I’ve linked your banner and its placed at the footer of my blog. stay blessed

  43. Greetings! Please consider adding “Reasoned Cases for Christ” which is located at – Christian Apologetics is the primary theme. Thank you.

  44. I just started a Christian blog less than two weeks ago.

    I’d really appreciate it if you could include it on your list. Thank you so much and God bless.

  45. Hello,
    Please consider listing my blog on your site.
    You have a great resource here, thank you
    Jack Coley @ Truth Pressure

  46. I too would like to be listed on your site. My Blogs are listed at my site:
    God bless you all for your blogs and words of encouragement.
    For Him,

  47. Hello There! Could you add this one too? It’s a lifestyle blog about Faith, Marriage, and Parenthood! Thanks!!!

  48. I would love to be added to your list! Amazing God Stories are true stories from my walk with God written with a creative twist. I write most in third person and add fun or thought provoking details to capture what may have been happening behind the scenes (in the spiritual world). My purpose is to encourage and inspire believers to grow in their own spiritual lives. Thank you!

  49. I would love to be added to this list if possible. God bless you. My blog is

  50. I would really appreciate it if you could add my blog Pursuing Intimacy With God


    Kevin Bart

  51. I’m glad I found my way here 🙏 I found your directory very resourceful. Can you please add my blog to the list if you don’t mind.
    Mine is, . Thanks and God bless

  52. I’m glad I found you. I am looking for directories to find other Christian resources and to join with my site, Would you mind adding it to your list here? I would truly appreciate it.

Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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