Obstacles, Courage, Dangers and Bears

Just been reading the tragic news of Lorna Weafer, who was fatally killed by a black bear in May this year.
The 36 year old was employed by Suncor and was an Instrument Technician working on an isolated job site near Fort McMurray, Alta, a town in Salt Lake, Utah, USA.
The horrible tragedy happened as she was making her way back from the wash room to the worksite. The attack was predatory and wasn’t provoked at all – the bear dragged her off indifferent to the other workers trying to help.
My heart aches for this poor young woman and her family. Lorna’s courage in the face of such ferocity was amazing as bravely she struggled for her life, but to no avail.
You know, life is so fragile – so tender.
Dangers seem to lurk everywhere, even some so unexpected that  they almost seem to be unbelievable and hard for us to get our minds around – like what happened to Lorna – tragedy out of no where with no explanation – just sadness and heart ache.
It seems our world has turned up side down of late – ISIL attacking Christians, public beheadings, the torture of children and women the list seems to go on forever.
Every news item just seems to get worse and the persecution of Christians seems to be taken for granted in the world at large. – the world we live and work in. The world we are part of and yet we aren’t – our real home is with our Lord and Saviour.
My real heartfelt message to everyone, all of us, is to be ready – our lives seem to hang in the balance now more than ever before. None of us can know for sure how each day will pan out. Suddenly our lives could change forever, suddenly and without knowing.
We need to ensure that we all know where our heart and real love lies – we need to believe on Him – Acts 16:31 says in part …”Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved…”
So what does it mean to “believe on Him?” – To believe on Jesus means to believe that He is the Son of God and that he is worthy to be loved, worshipped and obeyed.
The Bible not only stresses faith to believe but it also stresses love. We must give our heart to the Lord – our very being. Loving Jesus is not just having certain feelings; it is a definite choice of our will.
The heart of man can be cold and selfish and can so easily ignore the love that Jesus is offering, they choose not only to ignore but to reject it and soon forget it.
God does not take it lightly when we ignore His word, His invitation to come to Him or hinder others by putting obstacles in their way. This is serious business, I can’t stress enough just how serious this is!
As believers we must also expect obstacles along our paths; the more we move out with God, the more attacks and more ‘obstacles’ we can expect.
As Paul stated in in 2 Timothy 3:12 “….In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted”
We need to be ready, looking to Jesus every day. We need to stand fast and leave the results to Him.
We need to move forward in our differing ministries and God-given gifts, while trusting God to make a way and remove obstacles.
Are you ready?

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Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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