
“May the hearts of all who are holy rejoice in the Lord. Let the hearts of all who claim  His glory rejoice in the Lord. He is good. He is Mighty, He is the love of the world. His people shall be free, freedom in spirit. Everlasting joy shall be theirs.
Woe unto the man who follow the decrees of darkness. Their hearts are stone, their eyes are blind. Those who hear let them hear, the King of kings reigns.
He who sits on the throne of heaven looks down with all knowledge. His people shall suffer the iniquities of the world but those who believe shall prosper.
Rejoice O’ My people for the Father in heaven has your hearts in His hand. Rejoice My lambs, My sheep of the field for your Shepard is near. His love expands the universe, like the stars across the sky. He shall make Himself known for all to see on the dawning of the day.
Fret not My children at the wars ahead for your heavenly Host will prevail. Summers come, winters go, but the misdeeds of those I love shall be forgiven.
Repent My little ones and come unto Me. My children are scattered yet close by. I have said before, rejoice for I will fill your hearts. Do not turn from Me and your life will be full.
My church is a sanctuary yet those who walk in darkness invade its sanctity. They are on the rise. Beware of all who claim love yet have the spirit of Jezebel. Look for the signs and wonders of your Lord and guard the gates of your heart.
Darkness is near in cities, counties, and countries. Only Light can destroy the evil within the chambers of society. Pray for peace, pray God’s Holy Spirit will invade the hearts of the enemy in camp. Bring the Word of the Almighty to nations, the world. Send forth your missionaries to the ends of the earth so all will know the love of Christ.
Let the light of love flow through you for only light can bring attention to the darkness. Feed My sheep as I would feed them, with love and compassion. Let others see in you what I see in you.
Take heed My children for you are the light unto the world, go forth in My strength and power. Go forth in love.”
Given by the Holy Spirit 7-30-06
Scripture ref’s: Is. 6:9-11, 26:14



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Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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