By Lisa Griffin
What a pity, but inspiration doesn’t fall from the sky… Maybe you will receive grace from above; however, it is important to constantly work on your own motivation. Mind you, even a creative way of thinking can be developed. Did you have such a feeling when the ideas just “swarm” in your brain and you can’t catch the right one? It is possible to solve this problem, but you need to have patience and a real desire to develop your writing skills. Everyone can be a creative writer, and the purpose is not so important, be it a hobby or career. Get comfortable and find out how to find writing inspiration.
To see the invisible
Of course, it’s important to enrich the brain with new knowledge, but you need to take care of your spirit, as these two things should work together. It is possible to charge emotionally in different ways: books, nature, people, art, quotes… Lately, it has become quite popular to choose some quotes from different books, articles, and magazines; they have their own sense and “message,” and some of them can really inspire. Inspirational writing quotes for writers work quickly and effectively.
You guess, what does it mean? Well, only God can see everything, but you can notice the things, which most people can’t. For that, you need to be aware of different fields: philosophy, psychology, literature… Looking for inspiration, try to remain calm and patient. For instance, take a notebook and go to the park, watch for surrounding people, nature, weather, sounds… Feel it deeply, and write down everything that comes to your mind, including feelings, emotions, or thoughts. No matter how it sounds, don’t block the stream of consciousness. Or…even at home, you may sit anywhere, free your mind from all the thoughts, take a piece of paper and write about anything, whatever you want, without punctuation and editing, as all your ideas are important. You know, surrealists use this method in their practices.
Inspirational quotes
Spiritual enlightenment will help you to find new sense, ideas, to see the invisible… “28 Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. 29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. 30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (Isaiah 40:28-31). Do you feel this strength, energy, desire to create?
Life without literature is death
Of course, you know that it is useless to work without breaks. There is no need to pull out all the stops. All of us need to relax from time to time, and our brain also needs it. You can’t force yourself to work. Postpone all your business and homework and just unwind. By the way, there is a perfect option to cope with your homework, just go to this web-site, high quality is guaranteed.
The book will never disappear; it is an ancient and at the same time universal source of knowledge. Be curious, widen your horizons. Do you want to write a great story? Then read the inspiration stories of the best and famous authors. You should be an intelligent reader. Reading enriches the vocabulary, helps to understand the structure of the text, aids in understanding how to build the plot and how to use language in many creative and inspiring ways. Reading may also give you new ideas for your own writing, as you will definitely see how skilled writers “play” with language. Read your favorite writers, they will inspire you.
By the way, books and writing skills are useful for all human beings, thereby don’t forget about your child (if you have kids), as one day he or she can become a great writer.
A good rest is half the job
While relaxing, you can find something new and exciting for your future piece of art. Try to listen to inspirational music, and you may choose anything you like, from Mozart and Beethoven to the Beatles and Radiohead. Or take a drive, get a breath of fresh air, enjoy the silence and nature’s beauty. Hmmm… something else. Oh, yes, don’t forget about films and TV series, which will help you relax or find something interesting for your plot. Lastly, think about your friends and relatives as well; they can contribute their stories and ideas, and you know that real life is a pool of really intriguing, confusing, and incredible situations.
All these steps are pretty simple but really useful. Now you have the answer to the question how to get inspiration for a story. Sometimes, even the most common things can inspire, you just need to see them from the other side, and don’t forget to find your inspiration in belief. “13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13).
Thanks Lisa – I pray that my tiny faith in enough to move mighty mountains and I praise God for such a beautiful gift – only through His grace