Any appraiser will tell you that when he appraises a building, an automobile or whatever, the worth is based on what someone else will pay for it. That is the value he will place on the item. Now, think about… Read More ›
What Is The Value Of Your Soul?
Any appraiser will tell you that when he appraises a building, an automobile or whatever, the worth is based on what someone else will pay for it. That is the value he will place on the item. Now, think about… Read More ›
by Neil Anderson January 16 Genesis 2:7 Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being Biblically, life means to unite and… Read More ›
The Eyes Of Your Heart
When the Bible speaks of the heart, it is referring to the THINKING INSTRUMENT of the SOUL. Scripture tell us that the heart is the seat of emotions. When Paul prays that the “eyes of the Christian heart” be enlightened,… Read More ›