Love Has a Face

Love has a face, a real face that someday we will be able to see. Do you believe this?

1 John 4:8Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.

Note in the text of the above verse that it says “God is love”, it does not say God represents love, or gives love, (though He does do that) it says God is love. Being that God is in Himself the embodiment of love…then love has a face.

Just as God is the author of our faith, so He also is the creator of our love.

In 1 John 4:7 we read; Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. True love comes only from God. The bible speaks a lot about love, about loving God first, and then each other next.

Love has a face, that face left the throne room of heaven and entered this world as a baby.

That baby grew up and taught the people. In the end, the face of love died on a cross alone…Jesus our Savior. Love itself, God in the flesh, suffered and died to pay our penalty for sinning. This is love on a scale that we cannot comprehend.

Someday, each one of us will gaze into the face of love. What will we see? That will depend on the state we left this life in…one who accepted Jesus, or one who denied Jesus. To each will be given their place according to their belief in life. One will be judged for their sins and receive the penalty of such…an eternity of suffering. One will escape that judgement and instead be judged on what he/she did with the new life he/she was given, and the appropriate reward will be given.

The judgement that leads to hell seems harsh, but a few things need to be remembered here.

1.     God Himself came here to this earth and died to pay for each person’s sin in this world.

2.     It is each person’s choice to accept or deny forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ; that leads to the gift of eternal life.

3.     Eternal life is freely given to everyone…if you do not accept it; that is not God’s fault.

Accept Jesus as Lord today, and be welcomed into the family of God today! You need not be good enough to be “accepted” by God…no one is good enough no matter how good they are. You can be forgiven any sin you have committed, just ask with a sincere heart, and you will be forgiven.

Confess your sins to God; admit you are sinner. Believe in your heart, and confess with your mouth that Jesus died on the cross to pay for your sins, and that Jesus lives today. Accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, meaning you will commit to living the way He wants you too. Pray this to the Lord with a sincere heart, and you will be saved.

If you believe, if you trust, if you pursue Truth…someday you will gaze into the actual Face of Love.

Can I get an Amen?

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13 replies

  1. “Eternal life is freely given to everyone…if you do not accept it; that is not God’s fault.” That is an excellent thought Greg. Also, we must remember that there is no repentance in the grave.

    Thank you very much for sharing a very important thought. God bless you .


  3. Amen–and again, I say: AMEN! I know I will see the Face of God. Our minister here recently preached about this, using many of these same words, on the Sunday we liturgically celebrated the Day of Transfiguration! I am also put in mind that we are told to welcome strangers, for thereby we entertain angels unaware. Also, I am thinking of Jesus teaching that in the “last day” all will fall on their knees and say, “Lord, lord!” and He will say to many, “I knew ye not.” They will protest, “But Lord,….” And He will answer, “You saw me hungry and fed me not. You say me naked and did not clothe me. You saw me in prison and did not visit me.” And they will say, “But Lord, when did we see you thus?” And He will answer, “As ye did it not to the least of these my brethren, ye did it not to me.” We NOW, right now in the present, see Our Lord “in the least of these, My brethren.” Pray that we always remember it, so that we shall not only SEE His Face in those “last days” but we shall REMAIN with Him always thereafter!

    • Excellent reply with a great truth, we need to be serving those around us and obeying our Lord in order to not be disqualified for the reward we will receive in the end.
      Thanks for stopping by granbee!

  4. I can give an AMEN ! Romans 10:9-10 is what we are to do for salvation. It’s so easy and yet we still have so many people who have not accepted Him as their Lord and Savior but that is why we have labors and the harvest is full.

  5. You definitely have an Amen here … Love is the face of God Darrell

  6. Amen, my friend!

Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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