Is the church an incorporated business with the pastor as the CEO? That is pretty much the model many churches gravitate towards. In some there is a board which, along with the pastor, controls the church. Churches vary in the details of how they operate but if you look at the way things happen you begin to see that there isn’t too much difference between the different denominations (some would rather die than hear that!). State laws may mean that a church has to be structured like a corporation with president, treasurer, secretary, and other offices but what we do to conform to some State imposed regulatory requirements doesn’t have to influence the way the church operates. If it does, we should be suspicious about who is really directing the church. It’s one thing to comply with a legal requirement but that can’t be allowed to dictate what the church is or how it operates.
The risk with this approach is that it concentrates too much control and responsibility in the hands of too few. It also creates issues in how the people who attend see themselves and the way they participate in the life of the church.
Are we customers?
Does the church exist to serve our needs and if so, do we see our only power as being the threat to take our custom elsewhere? A customer has rights and often demands.
This is an insightful article on the church by Cite Simon, on how the church should not look! What are we trying to accomplish in our churches? Are we just another business out there for the world to come into and partake of our wares? Or are we the body of Christ intent on serving others, healing hurts, helping when needed, supporting and encouraging others.
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About the author: Greg is a strong believer in Jesus Christ and is also a political analyst, author, and is the Editor-in-Chief for the National War Council. By day he is a self-employed non-emergency medical transport driver, as well as being an author and blogger. His articles are first published on Inspirational Christian Blogs, and I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel of Christ! His articles have been widely published on many well-known conservative websites. If you would like to republish his articles, please feel free to do so leaving all links intact and crediting the author and the website that the article appeared on.
Greg is the author of the newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church
That’s a great post with a very biblical approach to the body. Thanks for sharing it, Greg. God bless.
Thank you Mike for reading and commenting here, I appreciate it! 🙂