Fear: Taking Center Stage with Christ…… Don’t Give Satan a Footstool and a Microphone

For a few minutes I sat in silence shedding tears over the unknown and then started to feel some anxiety due to my concern and fear about a mammogram test I have to retake. I realize that I can’t just TALK the talk, I have to WALK it as well. I know God has me in His hands and I shouldn’t fret over anything.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV)

I believe He is allowing storms to come into my life to build me up. My character is developing more and more on a spiritual level. This I know. It’s just taking those storms head on and not giving way to my emotions for I should not let them rule over TRUTH. God’s Word is bond.

I stand on the promises for my life that He has already put in place for me. I refuse to let the enemy use a weakness I have to consume me. No matter what the outcome may be, I know God is with me. Thinking back to a Bible lesson my husband taught recently, the scripture verses apply to what I’m feeling and thinking at this very moment. Thank you Holy Spirit for bringing this back to my mind:

This is an inspired post by Terra over at Living Simply In Abundance. It’s open and honest about some of the worries and trials we face in life. Do you ever worry, or worse yet let that worry overtake you and control you? Even temporarily? This is a great reminder to us all on what we need to do about that!
To finish reading this article, please head over to, http://virtuouswoman73.wordpress.com/2011/10/24/fear-taking-center-stage-with-christ-dont-give-satan-a-footstool-and-a-microphone/. While you are there, why check out the rest of Terra’s site, let her know you were there and that you appreciated what she wrote!

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  1. Thank you for the pingback. God bless you. My heart is deeply touched by your movement and added commentary.

    In Christ,

Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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