The Beautiful Cross of Christ

Crucifixion of Jesus on a two-beamed cross, from the Sainte Bible (1866)

We have received an amazing gift; words do not begin to describe it, yet I try.

We all sin, we do things wrong. We don’t treat others right, we don’t do things we know that we should. We have anger towards others, and it is not gone in a day. These things and so many more are sins.

You may think that your sins are not as bad as that guy down the street…he is really something. I’ve got news for you, God sees us all the same way. Whatever sins you and I have committed, doesn’t matter. You see, it only takes one sin…just one to incur the penalty for sinning. That penalty is death, not physical death although that will happen…I mean spiritual death, separation from God.

We were (or if you don’t know Christ are) God’s enemies because we sinned. But even though we disobeyed God and were His enemies, He made a way out for us. We sinned; we caused the problem through our own actions. The Lord in His gracious mercy gave us a way out.

Jesus who was God in the flesh, died on the cross, you see that was the solution to the problem WE caused! Think about it…we caused the problem by disobeying God, and He in effect took away our death sentence by dying for us…that should have been you and me on that cross.

Jesus Christ, a sinless, perfect, beautiful, loving, caring, human being…who was also God. This God/man…chose not to avail Himself of His vast power as God. Instead He came here and lived life as a man, a very special man, but a man nonetheless.

Christ chose to suffer the same things that we do in life, He did not have to. He chose to suffer through the pain on the cross, He didn’t have to.

He chose to die, no one could have killed Him…He was and is God.

Crucifixion is one of the most, if not THE most painful, horrible ways there is to die. The scourging done before hand often left a person half dead already. Scourging was a severe beating with strips of leather attached to a pole of some kind, the leather strips also had items in them that ripped into the skin and muscle and did horrific damage.

Jesus, in love, suffered this for me, and for you…that we may have life, because He suffered and died. Yes Christ rose from the dead never to die again…but let us not ever forget that He did die, He did suffer actual separation from the Father. Jesus also had to take all the sins of the world upon Himself, and suffer for them.

What A God, what a love for us!
Who are we that we are to be loved so deeply?
Who are we that God Himself steps down from heaven, and pays for all our sins?

We are God’s children…that’s who we are.

The following is a beautiful song by Jonny Diaz called, Beauty of the Cross

At the cross I find the beauty
Of Your matchless grace
At the cross I see a King
Who died to take my place

It’s the moment that
You made me clean
And pardoned my soul

Amazing grace that I would be allowed
Unto Your throne
Not by my own will
But solely by Your will alone

I’m unworthy of this love
You have shown to me
I see my desperate need

The beauty of the cross is that
There’s One who has redeemed my soul
Beauty of the cross is that I’m finally free and letting go
Beauty of the cross is that Your grace has found me just as I am

Not by my own works
That I may boast or I may come
But simply through Your son
The sinless and exalted one

Only through the cross that
I’m made clean to draw near to
You Draw near to You, draw near to You

Saved so that
You would receive
All glory due Your name
Everlasting God from age to age
You never change

A true love story
Remains for all eternity
That all the world would see

The beauty of the cross is that
There’s One who has redeemed my soul
Beauty of the cross is that I’m finally free and letting go
Beauty of the cross is that Your grace has found me just as I am

My sinful soul could only be
Redeemed by the blood of a sinless King
So you came to the world that You had made
Conquered sin on the cross and You rose from the grave

The beauty of the cross is that
There’s One who has redeemed my soul
Beauty of the cross is that I’m finally free and letting go
Beauty of the cross is that Your grace has found me just as I am

The beauty of the cross is that
There’s One who has redeemed my soul
Beauty of the cross is that I’m finally free and letting go
Beauty of the cross is that Your grace has found me just as I am

Yeah, just as I am

That’s the beauty of the cross Registered & Protected


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5 replies

  1. Great words my friend, all because of the cross!

  2. My friend, I nominated you for the Reader’s Appreciation Award. I’ll get the post up today if the internet is in the mood. 😀
    I wanted to publicly express how much I appreciate all that you contribute to TMG. Thank you!

  3. Once again, Greg, I have already commented on this post over atCB. But it impacted me again very strongly here today! “Just as I am”–to be loved SO MUCH from that Cross–just as I am! Blows my human understanding way out past the solar system, it does!

Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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