I won't sing that!

How are you at compromise?
In the world in which we live, we are taught from an early age that compromise is good.
We learn from a very early age that we can’t always have what we want or when we want it.
When, we as children, argued with our siblings maybe over toys or whatever, generally we had pointed out to us the need to compromise, maybe take turns – you have it today and whoever has it tomorrow – so that placates our desire to be the No 1 and we learnt to share, to give in, to compromise.
So we live our lives – well most of us anyway – prepared to compromise – prepared to share – prepared to give in when appropriate – and in that way life can go along pretty smoothly.
There is one area in our lives though that demands there is, never will be and never should be compromise!
We can never compromise our Lord and Saviour – Jesus said I am the Way the Truth and the Life – no one comes to the Father except through me – no compromise here!
There is no other way to get to God – not by doing good or being ‘holy’.
Jesus also said – we are in the world BUT we are not of this world – amazing – we can live in this world but basically we are not part of the world out there – we are set apart – set apart to live for Jesus.
So in effect Jesus is telling us – actually commanding us not to compromise – no compromising Him, His Word or our Christian faith.
Pretty big call when all through our lives we are taught to compromise and in life that is what it is all about.
Being a Christian isn’t easy – God said it wouldn’t be – we have to stand up for what we believe and not compromise our faith by bending to the world’s wishes or standards.
This was brought home to me just last week when I again learnt a lesson from my family – I have shared recently how my daughter in law shared a book with me by John Bevere. The book changed my life and made me realise how much we need God and how we can make our life count today and forever.
Well this time it was Elyssa my 9 year old Granddaughter  (or Grandblessings as I now refer to my Grandchildren).
She was at her singing lessons – she loves singing, dancing and all things musical – and auditioning for musical theatre when musical lyrics for a certain number were being performed.
The lyrics and music were great and she was enjoying singing when suddenly words on the page jumped out at her – they were just “not right” and belittled and downgraded the name of God.
Afterwards she went to her coach and quietly but determinately advised her that “I can’t sing those words”.
I was amazed as was her teacher, who phoned Elyssa’s Mum to talk about it. As far as Elyssa is concerned – there is NO compromise – amazingly she is prepared to forgo her chance at singing that part because she knows that it is “just not right.”
We may have to compromise throughout our lives here on earth BUT God says where He is involved there is absolutely no room for compromise – If we don’t give God 100% then we haven’t given Him anything.
When we make Jesus king in our lives – then He MUST be King over EVERY aspect of our lives – not just a little bit.
We can’t hold back some little part and say to God ‘You can have this part but not that – I want to keep that and keep saying this” – No doesn’t work like that.
Make Jesus king over everything.
If we try to compromise Him an any way then that makes us open to His wrath. Why? because then He isn’t really Lord of our life at all and God demands everything.
So how are you at compromise? – Is there anything you are holding back?
Once again my family have shown me amazing truths – God is never through with us no matter how old and crotchety we get.
Nine year old Elyssa, by her courage and determination not to ‘put God down’ has been a huge lesson to me. That lesson has enabled me to say with all certainty – “Father take ALL of my life – I don’t want to compromise you any more.”
Father I thank you for my family – thank you for the lessons you have shown us through them – I praise you Lord for your faithfulness. Give us the courage of our convictions and help us to give you 100% of our lives.
So again the question is asked – how are you at compromise – the decision and action is yours – the grace and assistance is Gods.
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3 replies

  1. There are times when compromise is good, but there are numerous times when there can be NO compromise.
    If compromise causes harm to anyone, then for me compromise is wrong.
    If compromising my ideals, morals and ethics is involved, then for me compromise is wrong.
    Above all, if compromise involves disobeying God or disobeying any of the principles in His Word, then compromise is wrong.

    • Thank you for your comment – I truly believe that there is absolutely no room for compromising when it comes to God – He must have 1st place in our lives – if we compromise just a little bit then we throw Him off the throne of our lives and replace Him with that thing!
      I really appreciate your comment and thank you so much for taking the time to do so.
      Our God is so merciful, loving and kind – yet He is holy and just and will not take 2nd place in our lives.

  2. This article aceeivhd exactly what I wanted it to achieve.

Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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