JAMES 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
My mom feels alone. She misses dad so I try to be the man of the house, but I still hear her crying at night after I go to sleep. I think she is worried about money.
Dad is in prison for selling drugs and she only has a part time job. She cleans houses after her night shift. She tells me she wants to buy me Xmas presents but that food and rent has to come first. She told me to pray for an angel to help us while dad is in prison.
I gave my heart to the Lord when I was in third grade. I know I have a Father in heaven that watches over mom and me. At church my Sunday school teacher told us that God would meet all of our NEEDS. I don’t think Christmas presents are “needs” so I don’t think I will get the games I wanted this year.
I stopped believing in Santa when I didn’t get any gifts last year. All year I was really good but there wasn’t anything under the free tree a neighbor gave us. Mom called it our Angel Tree (http://www.angeltree.org/angeltreehome) When she saw the disappointment in my face; she sat me down and said I was old enough to know the truth about Santa. It hurt.
We went to church to celebrate the birthday of baby Jesus. After service, while we were driving home, Mom told me I was really lucky because I had two Fathers: one in heaven and one in prison, my real dad. She said BOTH loved me and were thinking of me all the time. They were both in my heart and they were both able to help me, even though I couldn’t see them or be with them. All I had to do was think about them and pray to God who hears all of my prayers. She said she knew it wasn’t easy being the child of an inmate. https://prisonfellowship.webconnex.com/atdonate? She said daddy helped me by praying for me every night before he went to sleep.
I love my dad so much and I miss hanging out with him. I guess I can trust God to fill in the gaps while I wait for him to get out of prison. I can even trust God to take care of us as mom is like a widow, her husband isn’t around to help her pay for food and rent.
We read a scripture every night before dinner. Last night, my bible just fell open to James 1:27. It talked about God taking care of the widows. It also talked about not letting the world we live in pollute us. I think that means our thinking and how we behave when others don’t treat us right.
I know nothing is too hard for God. He can help mom, get dad out of prison and off drugs. He can even send me a Christmas present for my mom and me. I pray He hears my prayer tonight. “Lord, we need a few miracles. Can you send one my way soon?”
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