Pilate to Christ – ‘What is Truth’: What is YOUR Truth?

By Greg Holt
Just as Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever – so too is the truth.
Words, thoughts, ideas, writings, ETC. do not become truth merely because many people or even society by and large believe them to be true. Conversely, the truth does not become untrue because the majority refuses to believe or accept it.
The popular catch-phrase: “your truth is not my truth”, is merely a denial of reality at best, and a way to justify anything a person so desires at worst.
Vladimir Lenin was said to say: “A lie told often enough becomes the truth”. That is a clever misconception, a lie is still a lie no matter how many people believe it. This theory is used to great affect in today’s world – the media repeats lie after lie – others would call this (and rightly so) Political Correctness – and many, many people believe the outright lies the main stream media feeds them.
The Truth is a very misunderstood concept today. Certainly, if enough people believe it – why then it must be true, right? Wrong.
The Truth is rooted in Jesus Christ – that offends many people, does not make it any the less true. Take anything you see, hear, or read – measure it against the Word. Does it run contrary to the Word? Then it is not the truth.
The time is fast approaching and in fact is already here – when the thoughts of the world as a collective, or the New World Order – will and does determine what many view as the Truth. The world’s truth although seeming to proclaim truth and personal freedom – is nothing more than clever lies leading one down the highway to Hell. Do not become entangled in this, if you are, get free now!
Critical thinking, objective reasoning, and a Biblical worldview are the tools we all need to keep the truth front and center in our minds and not become entangled in the web of lies the world wants us to believe.
If the truth was true yesterday, it is still true today, and will be tomorrow.
Originally published on The Olive Branch Report


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Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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