The T.V. is turned off and having gone to bed the woman sighs loudly, stretches, lies back, and suddenly remembers she forgot to brush her teeth.
She rises with a groan while throwing her feet off the side of the bed. She was so looking forward to collapsing into a peaceful night of sleep that would leave her refreshed and feeling renewed in the morning.
Before returning to her bed she suddenly finds herself on the floor with the room spinning violently. What is going on? She is suddenly hit with a bout of vomiting that is so violent that it stands her on her head.
“Call an ambulance,” the Lord whispers in her ear as she violently retches and the room spins at top speeds. The phone is clear across the room and she isn’t sure she can get to it.
The room continues its spinning, the retching slams her against a wall but she manages to slowly crawl across the room with a trash can held close.
The woman is kneeling on the carpet clutching the trash can and the cordless phone lies next to her when the ambulance arrives. She can’t explain what happened, the dizziness is too much, the vomiting too severe.
She hears the siren blast suddenly and thinks, “Oh crap, this is serious.” Everything suddenly goes black.
She isn’t aware of the siren or the E.M.T. stating, “Her heart has stopped!” She isn’t aware when she is rolled quickly into the emergency room or the doctors working on her.
She has suddenly been transported to another world and while others are trying to save her life she stands in the most beautiful green pasture with translucent flowers bordering its fringes, having a discussion with the Great I Am.
Suddenly she awakens to a Doctor telling someone, “Get her a room. We’re keeping her.”
Scripture ref: 2 Corinthians 12:2
Sue is a Follower of Jesus Christ and the CEO of Elah Ministries, Inc. A 501c3 offering hope, healing, and deliverance through her ministering to hurting souls, her published books, short stories, blogs, Facebook, and website. She loves playing in the dirt and feeding seagulls on the beach along with a good book in hand is her favorite.
Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."