
Don’t Feel Sorry For Me

It’s not unusual for people to experience feelings of heartfelt sorrow when hearing of another person’s loss and adversity. However, there is a difference between empathizing with someone and wishing that their trial never happened. God orchestrates circumstances. He wants… Read More ›

Facing Adversity: Thoughts of Wisdom, Praise & Promise

The last book of my devotion trilogy, Facing Adversity: Thoughts of Wisdom, Praise, & Promise, is now available on Amazon. Here is an excerpt from a devotion titled SUFFERING UNITES US ALL “God has a plan and a purpose… Read More ›

3 Kinds Of Faith

“There are three kinds of faith in Christ: 1. Struggling faith, like a man in deep water desperately swimming. 2. Clinging faith, like a man hanging to the side of a boat. 3. Resting faith, like a man safely within… Read More ›