I have noticed over the years that winter (I hate winter!), actually does have some uses. It fills the potholes in roads The bugs are largely gone There is no number three Greg HoltAbout the author: Greg is a strong… Read More ›
Just something to think about…. (For more encouragement check out my FB Author Site at https://www.facebook.com/cherylzeler) cherylz1961
God Encourages Perseverance
James 1:2-4 speaks about the importance and value of perseverance. We can learn from this little squirrel! I speak from personal experience, recovering from a brain tumor is not easy! Overcoming ANY adveristy is a challenge. However, we are given… Read More ›
Click On Photo EVERYONE is guilty of being self-absorbed at some point. Maybe it is a continual selfish bad habit of self-pity, or maybe it is just an occasional lapse of good character. But when it happens, and we realize… Read More ›
Does God Have A Sense of Humor?
As a child growing up I often heard the phrase, “God must have a sense of humor.” As I was watching the History Channel I heard a voice which kept repeating this question. At the moment this question appeared to… Read More ›