Forget Some People

Dear Reader,

My life has crossed the paths of many different people, and I am sure the same goes for you too.  I have no question that paths cross for a reason.  We are to learn from others by sharing our hearts, faith, and love.

There are some people who walk into our lives for a brief moment and then disappear, never to be heard from again.  Then there are people we consider to be life long friends but as it turns out, they aren’t.  You share a close intimate period of time with them but somehow the relationship ends or fizzles away, often unexpectedly. Again, some folks enter into our lives and we think it will be for just a moment. However, it turns out to be God’s design to have them remain involved in our walk until the end of our days on earth.  Finally, there are people who were important to us in earlier days, left for a time, but then reappear in our later years.  I guess in these cases there are more lessons to be learned and more service to be given.

No matter the circumstance, paths cross for a reason.  Maybe we have a job we need to do for the other person; say help them through a trial.  Maybe they had an appointed calling to serve with us in a ministry, but then God called them down a different path or into a new ministry. 

There are also some people who have wounded us in life, intentionally or unintentionally.  They may be in our lives until we grow up and move away, or they might remain for our entire lives.  These folk may or may not have a place in our future.  That is when we need to seek the face of God and ask for His advice.

I have people in my life right now who have hurt me in the past and yet, I choose to keep them in my life.  I have never been abused, so to that matter and those affected by it…..  I suggest you pray.  God will let you know if those who have wounded you need to remain in your life, or not.  They may not have a place in your future.  Some has wounded me and I have cut the ties.  However, there have been a few cases when I was pressed to pray for these past relationships and suddenly, they reappear.

All in all, paths cross for a reason.  Some roads run parallel to each other and others intersect for a moment, never cross again.  I encourage you to pray about the relationships in your life.  Are they drawing you into a closer walk with God or are they drawing you into temptation and sin?  Do you feel pressed to keep them close as you feel the need to pray, witness, or serve them? 

Not all relationships are balanced but we should strive to have a Paul, Timothy, and Barnabas nearby.  A Paul figure would be a mentor of sorts and a Barnabas would be a peer and encourager.  A Timothy would be someone you could come alongside to disciple and mentor.  You will probably not have all three of these examples in your life at the same time but if so, you are blessed!

With the New Year drawing close, you would be wise to reflect upon the relationships in your life.  Lay them before God and ask Him to direct you regarding YOUR place in their lives.  Then ask your Father if He wants them in your life and if so, how deeply.  He may want you to draw back a bit or He may want you to dive in a bit deeper.  I pray He gives your ears to hear His answer and a heart to receive and obey it.

Psalm 121:7-8

The Lord will keep you from all harm—He will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forever more.

 Psalm 121:8

The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever.

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2 replies

  1. You would be such an inspiration to others. The way you have given up so much and turned over a new leaf because of it. Others need to hear your story and others like this. People that are going through what you have and did something positive afterwards, need the encouragement from your story and others like it. Keep blogging!

    • Thank you for your kind words. It is my JOY to comfort others with the comfort I have been given. My goal for the rest of my life is to use the gifts God has given me to encourage others on their path and calling in life. The Body of Christ needs to help each other. Blessings!

Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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