Humility and Forgiveness

Jesus cross

“Agree quickly with your adversary (Matthew 5:25, NAS).”

 “It is already a defeat for you, that you have lawsuits with one another. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be defrauded (II Corinthians 6:7, NAS).”

 “We are to clothe ourselves daily in humility (I Peter 5:5, NAS).”


We are thinking only of ourselves when we are more concerned about being wronged rather than what the Lord wants us to learn or see in a situation. God’s holy people are to allow God to exude patience and love in and through us. Daily we must ask God to strip us of any and all pride, bathe us in righteousness and clothe us in humility. Ask God to help increase your faith deeply within. The stronger the faith, the closer the walk, the easier to recognize pride, the faster to allow Yeshua to remove pride and replace it with humility, the more we are like Jesus. This is where the Scripture of pulling down strongholds and imaginations enters:

II Corinthians 10:3-6 (NAS):  For though we live in this world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete.

 When your thoughts become prideful and you begin to think more highly of yourself than you ought, take the authority Jesus Christ has given His people and pull it down away from you. This text in II Corinthians is written because God understands the frail condition of the flesh and just how quickly mankind can be led astray by it. Don’t allow pride to stay so as to fester causing it to manifest in any area of life. Pride is foolishness on any and every level. Be “ready to punish all disobedience” of your life.

Pray for Holy Spirit to stir discernment; if Jesus is in you, discernment is also. Remember, there is a difference between discernment and prejudice; between righteous judgment and being judgmental. Commit to being humble and confess daily to Yahweh that you choose to walk humbly in all of your ways. Command the spirits of pride and rebellion to depart from your midst, and replace them with humility and obedience. Holy Spirit within is the only One who has the power to overcome pride. Allow Christ to guide you into holiness, humility, and obedience.

We all need to stop being so concerned as to who is hurting us and focus on how healing can begin to manifest. Focusing on your “rights” to be angry, hurt, or to retaliate is not of God. Focusing on forgiveness and humility from the heart of God will lead to victory every time!

 I hope you’ll come back next week as we continue to explore the subject of humility. If you’re interested in reading more on this subject, please go to my website and check out my books.

 Peace and blessings,

 Alexys V. Wolf



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1 reply

  1. A very much needed post.
    Your words are so true and have, most recently, hit home here in my own life. Thank you for this message.
    May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob bless and keep you, and yours, always.

Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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