Pastor Saeed Urgently Needs Our Help Now!


Written by Voice of the Persecuted

A supporter of the Abedini family, Joann Mizutani came up with an idea to duplicate the actions taken for Meriam Ibrahim for American Pastor Saeed Abedini. Next week is the final full week prior to the June 30th deadline for the current nuclear negotiations with Iran. The U.S. may never again have an opportunity to negotiate the release of Pastor Saeed and other Americans wrongfully detained, as we do now.

As you may recall, Ibrahim, a Sudanese woman was arrested for her Christian faith, sentenced to death and later released with the help of the US government after a massive civil rights outcry. A 2 day event took place that bombarded the phone lines of the White House and the State Department with fervent cries for the Christian woman’s released. The phone lines were so full, that the State Department even changed their recording to ask people to press a key if they were calling on Meriam’s behalf. Not long after, Meriam was released and eventually, with her husband and children, are living free in the US. This massive campaign of activism may have played a huge role in securing Meriam’s release. Let’s us do the same for our brother, Saeed whose enduring much physical and mental abuse to deny his faith in a notorious Iranian prison.

The other two Americans are U.S. Marine Amir Hekmati and U.S. reporter, Jason Rezaian.


Focus on the White House and the State Department, each on the designated day and bombard them with calls.

Monday, June 22 2015 (tomorrow)

Please call the White House switchboard at (202) 456-1111 and ask President Obama to not make any deal with Iran unless our citizens are released Making good on the face to face promise he made to Naghmeh and the Abedini children.

Tuesday, June 23 2015

Please call the State Department at (202) 647-6575 and ask Secretary Kerry to not make any deal with Iran unless our citizens are released per the promised made by the President of the United States to the Abedini family.

PLEASE BE CONCISE AND RESPECTFUL IN YOUR REQUESTS. We all feel very passionate about this and want our brother home with his family. Being disrespectful and/or spiteful will not garner any respect for our position and request.

Call multiple times throughout the day if you feel led. You can even go to their Twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts and leave comments. You can also email the White House and State Department. Flood every avenue you can.

Lastly, please share this on your social media accounts and anywhere else in order get the word out. Encourage others to help us get our brother(s) home. Thank you in advance!

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SOURCE: The Olive Branch Report

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