
The timing of your life.

The time of your life. Or is it the timing of your life? I have this propensity to overthink, well, everything. This is also known as “spending too much time in my head.” I don’t have many regrets. Sure, there are some things… Read More ›

Encourage one another

By Karen Roper I love the first word of this website – inspirational or inspiration. Inspiration in the Oxford dictionary means infuse thought or feeling into. It is a word which speaks to us of hope, encouragement and purpose. It… Read More ›

Some Assembly Required

There are word combinations in the English language that I love:  “Pepperoni, Sausage, Extra Cheese,” hovers near the top of the list.  There are word combinations in the English language that I despise:  “While you are up, can you…?”  Note… Read More ›

Nine Words

This is a very short, and very good article from Debbie over at Two Minutes of Grace. As the name of the blog implies…you will receive grace, or encouragement, or a smile…in two minutes or less! You is kind. You… Read More ›