Martha had a..BIG BUT

The title of this piece makes people pay attention when I say it. Can you imagine me standing in front of a congregation and saying to them, this morning’s message is entitled, “Martha had a BIG BUT”? You definitely get folks attention with that one! But that is exactly what this is called and now that I have your attention there is a  deep spiritual lesson we will learn from,  Martha’s big…but.

Let me set the scene for you. Jesus and the disciples are out and about ministering when Jesus gets word that one his best friends is very sick. The sisters of the sick man have sent Jesus a message that he needs to come very quickly because the man is near death, very ill. Yet Jesus indicates to the disciples, that all is well and that his friend is sleeping, but he is going to go wake him up. What Jesus was saying which went right over their heads is that Jesus already knew that his friend had succumbed to the sickness, he was dead. But the disciples didn’t get what he was saying as they answered him, “oh that’s nice, the rest will do him good, and he needs to sleep if he is going to get better”.

We all know the “but” word. Usually associated with negative connotations. In this excellent article by Darrell over at Darrell Creswell’s Blog, it is used in a positive way! This is a great article about how God can and will overcome. There are no “buts” to big for God.

To read the rest of this article please head on over to Registered & Protected

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2 replies

  1. Thanks so much for sharing this, I am deeply humbled… Darrell

Luke 21:36 "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

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